The new iPad

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So, March comes upon us again, and Apple take to the stage to bring us a new iPad. No, not the iPad 3, just 'The new iPad'.

It'll have a Retina display, a 5MP camera on the rear, along with a Quad-core processor, A5X graphics, Voice dictation, and there's now a full iLife suite, as iPhoto comes to iPad.

Oh, and it has full 4G LTE compatibility... Which is nice, apart from the fact that the UK doesn't have 4G.


EDIT: iOS 5.1 has also been released. Updating to it on my iPad now. Boasts Siri for Japan, a redesign for the iPad Camera app, along with iCloud fixes, and other bug fixes.
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I'm annoyed the iPad 2 has stayed at £329... If only it was £299, I'd be able to justify one (to myself).
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dosxuk wrote:I'm annoyed the iPad 2 has stayed at £329... If only it was £299, I'd be able to justify one (to myself).
Started at £399 before, didn't it? Either way, it's only an extra £30 from £299... ;)

EDIT: Doing the software update (PC-Free), and the Update process always terrifies me, with the series of screen on/offs, and the various logos/loading bars that appear, and take an age to move, etc.
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Critique wrote:
dosxuk wrote:I'm annoyed the iPad 2 has stayed at £329... If only it was £299, I'd be able to justify one (to myself).
Started at £399 before, didn't it? Either way, it's only an extra £30 from £299... ;)
Yeah, but for only another £70 I could get one with erm, a much higher res screen...

TBH, I only really want one for this, and I'll probably just keep watching eBay for old iPad 1's.
bilky asko
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It's disgusting how gushing the news outlets are over this about what we must surely all admit was a disappointing announcement.

I notice the front facing camera is still VGA. Nobody seems to be pointing that out. In terms of video chat, the iPad is about two years behind Android and the BlackBerry tablets, and some of those have similar density screens (albeit on the 7 inch models).

The Beeb really do have their tongue so far up Apple's arse.
It's Rory Cellan-Jones's fault, as he's a massive Apple fanboy. He always shows off his Apple products when possible in reports.
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DVB Cornwall
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R C-J has been totally absent this week, on leave. His influence is overrated in my view. The 'problem' with Apple if indeed it is a problem is that they are superb at publicity, whereas other manufacturers aren't. The new iPad presentation was slick and impressive, miles ahead of the competition. MS tried too hard with Win8 and it looked like it too.

It's clear that the iPad is becoming a platform, and the Apps built to use it are the key. When specific niP apps are introduced then we'll be sure about the product.

Must admit I am almost ready to jump in and get one. The next step would seem to market a combo pack of Apple TV and the pad, that seems to be a major link up waiting to be exploited.

I'm impressed.
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I won't upgrade my current iPad 2 for the new iPad, but I may get an Apple TV, just so I can stream movies onto my TV from the iPad, and to share photos, etc, when necessary.
bilky asko
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DVB Cornwall wrote:R C-J has been totally absent this week, on leave. His influence is overrated in my view. The 'problem' with Apple if indeed it is a problem is that they are superb at publicity, whereas other manufacturers aren't. The new iPad presentation was slick and impressive, miles ahead of the competition. MS tried too hard with Win8 and it looked like it too.

It's clear that the iPad is becoming a platform, and the Apps built to use it are the key. When specific niP apps are introduced then we'll be sure about the product.

Must admit I am almost ready to jump in and get one. The next step would seem to market a combo pack of Apple TV and the pad, that seems to be a major link up waiting to be exploited.

I'm impressed.
I'm not sure it's time to dismiss Windows 8 just yet, considering the vast majority of observers say that Android could easily lose its share to Windows 8.

Concerning Rory Cellan-Jones, I think his influence on the BBC's technology reporting is strong due to the fact that it is a rather small department. Of course Apple's marketing does allow for good soundbites and the like, but it shouldn't influence the reporting's accuracy.
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bilky asko wrote:I'm not sure it's time to dismiss Windows 8 just yet, considering the vast majority of observers say that Android could easily lose its share to Windows 8.
Seriously? I haven't seen a single commentator suggest that. Could you perhaps post some links?
bilky asko
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Neil DG wrote:
bilky asko wrote:I'm not sure it's time to dismiss Windows 8 just yet, considering the vast majority of observers say that Android could easily lose its share to Windows 8.
Seriously? I haven't seen a single commentator suggest that. Could you perhaps post some links? ... ed/226260/ ... windows-8/ ... s-android/
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bilky asko wrote:
Neil DG wrote:
bilky asko wrote:I'm not sure it's time to dismiss Windows 8 just yet, considering the vast majority of observers say that Android could easily lose its share to Windows 8.
Seriously? I haven't seen a single commentator suggest that. Could you perhaps post some links? ... ed/226260/ ... windows-8/ ... s-android/
Thanks. Android may well end up being restrained to the mobile market, I guess. Unless the Amazon Kindle Fire (which is barely Android) really takes off.

It's interesting that Microsoft may be a competitor even though its OS will be essentially shared with the desktop/laptop scene, whereas both Apple and Android's OSes work 'upward' from the phone and don't really touch the desktop/laptop.
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