New iPod Nano

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It's that time of year again, with Steve Job's obnoxious keynote, unveiling updated iPods. Usually I'm indifferent, but this year some of the changes are utterly absurd.

iPod Nano 2009: Image
iPod Nano 2010: Image

Case in point, the iPod Nano. Last year the nano was updated with a video camera and FM radio, along with the typical audio/video playback. However, this year it has been reduced to the size of a Shuffle, with a minuscule touch screen, while eliminating video playback, the video camera, and the scroll wheel. Admittedly, I wouldn't want to watch a video on a 1.5 inch screen, but this is definitely a case of form reducing the functionality of a device, especially when the device is the same price as the previous generation.

I don't think the device itself is awful, but I think it should have replaced the iPod Shuffle. I think I'll find myself hanging on to my trusty 5th Generation iPod, especially because it looks like the Classic is being phased out.

I don't really know why I find this irritating, what are your thoughts?
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You didn't mention that the prices have stayed the same too, so now the nano seems to be nothing more than an upseller to the iPod touch, which has gained the video camera, the same Retina Display (gah) as the iPhone 4 along with the A4 processor.

The new shuffle and touch will sell like hotcakes, but I can see this new nano not selling brilliantly if I'm honest.

Plus, does anyone know if it's actually running a form of iOS (minus the apps and things of course), or is it a version of the traditional iPod Software with a fancy skin on it?

EDIT: Sorry, I see that you DID mention that the prices have stayed the same. I really should read posts in full rather than just skimming before I reply. :oops:

But yeah, it's not a good direction for the nano to go in, we'll have to wait until next September to see if it paid off or not, depending on where they go next with it.
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Apparently it's a skinned version of the old software, with a bit of multitouch from iOS thrown on top.

Edit: Also, if it was the size of, let's say the 3rd Generation Nano, all screen of course, it would have been much better.
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jsm wrote:Also, if it was the size of, let's say the 3rd Generation Nano, all screen of course, it would have been much better.
True, I have a 3rd generation nano at the moment and although I've never watched video on it, I can imagine the screen size being ideal for a little multitouch iPod, and it would've allowed them to keep the video functionality.

I don't think it'd have been as bad a change had they dropped the prices to match, but as it stands, like most Apple gear (and this is coming from someone who actually likes Macs and most of the iPods) it's just too expensive for me to recommend to people. The iPod touch however has become a fantastic mini-tablet with this update.
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What in god's name would you need multi-touch on a 1.5" screen for anyway? It's utterly ridiculous, I think I'll be hanging onto my Nano 4G now, tbh. Either that, or get a Touch.
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jsm wrote:It's that time of year again, with Steve Job's obnoxious keynote, unveiling updated iPods.
Yeah, who does he think he is, ANNOUNCING products and BRAGGING about success, an American CEO or something?

Makes me sick to my stomach.
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Believe me, I'm not completely against Apple-I have a Mac, but surely one must find it strange that there seems to be a cult of personality centered around his products and Jobs himself. Where else are CEO's keynotes covered on TV Newscasts (presumably just here on the US)? What it comes down to is the fact that iPods are consumer products-good products at that, but they're still just devices, and nothing more than that.
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jsm wrote:Believe me, I'm not completely against Apple-I have a Mac, but surely one must find it strange that there seems to be a cult of personality centered around his products and Jobs himself. Where else are CEO's keynotes covered on TV Newscasts (presumably just here on the US)? What it comes down to is the fact that iPods are consumer products-good products at that, but they're still just devices, and nothing more than that.
Surely the desire for the media to cover Apple's product launches is a sign of Apple's success rather than it's failure. After all, considering all the free advertising it gets - Steve Jobs is hardly going to say "Oh no...don't turn up. I'll just issue a press release with some pictures. It launches next week."

At the end of the day - love or loathe them, Apple reach a lot of people and the amount of people in the UK that has a product created by them is surely rather high? I'm not saying every move they make should be covered but why else should it be different that Apple gets coverage to when Microsoft release a new version of Windows or Virgin Media up the speed of their broadband. It also doesn't hurt that Apple deliberately makes these events very media friendly, while releasing precious little else beforehand - this ensures that the big boys will be there to find out and make sure they're not missing out on anything.
Good Lord!
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I must admit, I sort of feel the same way about the Apple machine and the fuss over product launches.

Successful, sure; but I tend to believe its an engineered event to launch revised products that contain improvements they probably could have released with their earlier models.

Call me a cynic...
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A friend of mine bought me a Nano this summer. I'm glad he bought it when he did, not impressed by this update.
The new touches are nice, as are the shuffles, but the nano doesn't quite sit right with me.

I do like my 5G one though.
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DVB Cornwall
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I love the look of the new one, but wholly agree with the comments here, the Nano name should have been dropped and a new type name used for the new model.

Must admit though the iPod touch is now quite a beast and is tempting me. I can't really justify based on my call volumes an iPhone.
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