Equal Opportunity Declarations

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Katnap wrote:Anyway...
Jamez wrote:Aren't those equal opportunity things optional to fill in?
Sometimes they are, but I've not come across an optional one - yet.

Edit: Wish I could walk into a bloomin' job just like that...

Pity other parts of the BBC don't recognise talent so easily. I've applied to be BBC continuity announcer on TV and radio for 5 years and nothing. I don't think I'm being big-headed when I say that I definitely possess the creativity, work ethic and voice to do the job. Continuity announcements on the BBC are increasingly pre-recorded in advance; so technically I could be an announcer from my own studio without having to go near a BBC building!

Has anyone heard the new male announcer on BBC Four? I'll say no more about him, apart from the fact that he sounds like he's been dragged in off the street.
all new Phil
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JM could always get a show on Sixshits or whatever it's pissin called.
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Jamez wrote:Has anyone heard the new male announcer on BBC Four? I'll say no more about him, apart from the fact that he sounds like he's been dragged in off the street.
yes, truly awful.

i have always wondered with these forms - are they technically part of the application form? ie, if you "felt comfortble describing yourself" as something, that some might view as not quite matching their definition of whatever box you ticked ... could your employment be terminated? in the same way that if you lied about a qualification you could be thrown out.
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