Fab Windows Midi Files

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You'll no doubt remember some of these gems from past versions of Windows... a bit of nostalgia for you! (I think these are the ones that came with my version... if you're lucky you'll find some MIDs in your \Windows\Media folder)

No doubt I've forgotten lots of them but I hope you enjoy these!
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I was going to make a comment about how much PC MIDI synths have improved since before windows 95. Then I found out my new motherboard's built on audio sounds exactly the same as back then! Nostlgia...

Also, a bunch of those aren't actually from Windows but from soundblaster software, not least symphony.
Knight knight
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Yes - I think some are not from Windows, but they all came with my computer many years ago! By the way I found a real gem, a proper rendition of Canyon... http://www.denman.me.uk/winmidi/v-canyon.mp3
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Having proven you wrong initially I will come back and say that is FAB.
Knight knight
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I was going to make a comment about how much PC MIDI synths have improved since before windows 95. Then I found out my new motherboard's built on audio sounds exactly the same as back then! Nostlgia...
Things have pretty much come full circle. 10 years ago, decent midi sound required a proper wavetable soundcard for realistic sounding instruments, dodgy FM synths that cheaper cards had produced the shite 'my first keyboard' instruments that are now looked back on nostaligcally.

Then software synths improved radically and started rivalling wavetable sound to the untrained ear, but over the last few years as midi has fallen out of common use and went back to being the pursuit of specialists, the midi coming from the onboard sound which is now most prevalent reverted back to sounding shite just like it did before, with a high quality sound card required for decent sound through midi.
Oh the days before a library of proper music on your computer!! I always used to have Passport or Canyon running.
I had a full library of theme tunes for almost every TV series I watched on mine, used to get played an awful lot.
Yes - I think some are not from Windows, but they all came with my computer many years ago! By the way I found a real gem, a proper rendition of Canyon... http://www.denman.me.uk/winmidi/v-canyon.mp3
Sounds pretty cool, but it's just the same old midi file that we know and love (albeit apparently modified to add the extra guitar track) played through a decent sound card
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Certain MIDI tracks played through the later version of Winamp brings up a new window with the lyrics and each of the words highlighted once the part of the song has come through.
Not The Chef
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Not The Chef
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