johnnyboy - Property of Her Majesty's Government (ID Cards)

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I don't currently have a passport, so I think I'll get one next year before I have to have a compulsory ID card to go with it. At least then I'll have 9 years without having to get one!

Every day the government of this fucked-up country make me want to emigrate and leave you all behind to fester in this shit.
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And yet you're still here!
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Sput wrote:And yet you're still here!
I'm waiting for you to come with me, Andy.

We can set up our own hippy movement in the American midwest and make money from chasing tornados in our 1982 VW Beetle.
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It's deeply sinister stuff. Very worrying indeed.

What's so outrageous is the way MPs have voted to let all these bills through parliament this evening which effectively pave the way for this scheme. Yet the majority of the public are opposed to it. A stark example of how our "democracy" isn't much of a democracy at all.

And what an amazing reflection of how right wing Bliars' government has become when it's the Tories who are fighting the corner for civil liberties!

I cling on to the hope that ID cards will turn out to be Poll Tax Mark 2, and that huge numbers of the public will simply refuse to play the game, thus making the whole thing collapse because there aren't enough resources to send so many people to prison.

Even though the British public are generally a bunch of spineless weasels who'll put up with anything, there is only so far you can push people.
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I'm fucking furious with this, really.

Those AOL ad's really seem to be right about now and I'm not talking about the "Orwell was wrong" ones.

I really do worry were walking into an authoritian state and like some have already mentioned hope this becomes a poll tax 2. Although with incitement coming up soon I better watch that one.

Whats next? And enabling act?
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I really do think an uprising of the usually sedate population of this country is in the offing.

Governments have been brought down by less than a riot, but I think the only thing to do now, and especially when Brown is illegally and undemocratically inflicted upon us, is to run riot through the streets of London and bring the establishment to it's knees and a general election called immediately.

This is absolutely outrageous and the media just continue to pooh-pooh it as some unsubstantial news.

I'm not a violent person, but the only way I feel to let out nearly a decade of Labour mis-management and total destruction of our freedoms is to riot and cause holy hell and show this arrogant, two-faced, ignorant, lazy and destructive government that the people will not put up with this vile continuation of abhorrent bill-passing.
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Jamez wrote:The general population have been metaphorically (and in some cases physically) punched, kicked and financially raped by this shambles of a Labour dictatorship - which is soon to be taken over by some facially disabled, grumpy old Scot who is about as charismatic as a piece of shit.

I really do think an uprising of the usually sedate population of this country is in the offing.

Governments have been brought down by less than a riot, but I think the only thing to do now, and especially when Brown is illegally and undemocratically inflicted upon us, is to run riot through the streets of London and bring the establishment to it's knees and a general election called immediately.

This is absolutely outrageous and the media just continue to pooh-pooh it as some unsubstantial news.

I'm not a violent person, but the only way I feel to let out nearly a decade of Labour mis-management and total destruction of our freedoms is to riot and cause holy hell and show this arrogant, two-faced, ignorant, lazy and destructive government that the people will not put up with this vile continuation of abhorent bill-passing.
so because you feel you have been "punched, kicked and financially raped", people should riot (the type of thing that invariably involves lawlessness - resulting in damage to peoples property and no doubt injury, probably looting and who knows what else)?

i know being OTT is you style jamez, but please, why deminish the point of view you support by proposing over the top action.

for the record i am firmly against the ID cards idea.
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Because I've been watching The Young Ones all weekend, and violence just seems so........................right! :lol:
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Whilst I am disappointed that all this type of information is required for these cards, I feel the idea of people hiding their past just as frightening.

If someone can run away from debt, crime, fraud, etc then none of us are safe. If you have no criminal past or criminal intent, then there is no real objection to these cards, aside from the fact people want to be free and independant from the state.

If they want me to have a card, they can give me one for free, or wait till I renew my Passport, as I am not prepared to pay out my own pennies for one.

I have no Credit Cards, or Debit Cards, nor do I have a Driving License. The only card I have had was college/uni ID cards.

In theory, ID cards means no-one can hide their crimes/past to any personal gain, which is good for honest citizens, but bad for criminals, but the effects of not having a card, are criminal!

There is no way the fines should be that high, and the ID cards should be free, if they are imposed on us.
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Jamez wrote:...bring the establishment to it's knees and a general election called immediately...
So Labour can be re-elected by the public, as they were less than 12 months ago?
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So they won't work to stop terrorism, fraud, illegal immigration or much else.

They will cost £19.2bn to implement, be wide open to abuse and be pock-marked with security loopholes.

It's got Tony Bliar and Gordon Brown written all over it.

Big Brother is watching you.
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