TV Forum needs help

GJ Online
Posts: 106
Joined: Tue 01 Feb, 2005 07.57

Antz wrote:
GJ Online wrote:Yes, I am :roll:
Where did you stop being a troll??

Anyway, Shall we tell everyone about that pm that you sent me in December??
Some juicy gossip, have we? :P :)
Well, something that could get him banned on TV Forum if I tell lets say, MR X
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i know this has been suggested before - but i think there should be a "nursery forum" on tvf. posters such as antz, gj online, gmtv journalist, south today and many others could be segregated and could practice posting amongst themselves, and brush up their posting skills, and then they could graduate onto the adult board if/when they prove themselves.
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tvmercia wrote:i know this has been suggested before - but i think there should be a "nursery forum" on tvf. posters such as antz, gj online, gmtv journalist, south today and many others could be segregated and could practice posting amongst themselves, and brush up their posting skills, and then they could graduate onto the adult board if/when they prove themselves.
What have I done? Made one mistake, big deal! I've never disrepected anyone in my years at TVF (including you) so why are you picking out me?
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As far as I can see most crappy posters can be identified almost straight away from their username, it'll either have no capital letter at the start, be all in captials, or be something stupid like "SCOTLAND TODAY ADDICT", of course there are exceptions.

TV Guy or should I say tvguy gets on my nerves, if he isn't posting rubbish in alloted Children's TV threads he's banging on about kids tv in every other thread and always asking if a show should be getting new titles or talking about UTV having regions, whatever that means

Anybody who uses this :lol: after something like 'ITV is rubbish' is one to watch as well. Maybe overuse of Emoticons should be added to the rules, a good way to get rid of some

The quality of posts in TV Ark's TV Now Forum makes TV Forum look like the Times letter's page, M Seven is a particular good one, most recently posting some nonsense about the This Morning studio
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GJ Online wrote:
Antz wrote:
GJ Online wrote:Yes, I am :roll:
Where did you stop being a troll??

Anyway, Shall we tell everyone about that pm that you sent me in December??
Some juicy gossip, have we? :P :)
Well, something that could get him banned on TV Forum if I tell lets say, MR X
We disscussed this via email, nothing to do with Forum G. We should not discuss this subject anymore in the main forum but I welcome you to PM me and throw abuse at me there. I am looking forward to it, really I am.
GJ Online
Posts: 106
Joined: Tue 01 Feb, 2005 07.57

I am not looking for trouble. :roll:
James H
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Then shut up. Don't say things if you aren't prepared to take the consequences. And if it could get another member banned, if you feel so bloody motivated to be an arsehole, tell Robert, instead of wiping your shit in this thread.

EDIT: Sorry, really bad mood.
Orry Verducci
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So I guess I'm in the clear. :D I have to agree, why can some of the idiots out there use a usename that has capital letters, spaces, ect.
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Andrew wrote:Anybody who uses this :lol: after something like 'ITV is rubbish' is one to watch as well. Maybe overuse of Emoticons should be added to the rules, a good way to get rid of some
What's this one all about > :x

Usually a bad sign whenever it's used.

Perhaps registration disabled during school holidays. But as someone else said earlier, tvf loses something without the odd dodgy character or two -- mind you the standard of weirdo is nowhere near what it was.
GJ Online
Posts: 106
Joined: Tue 01 Feb, 2005 07.57

James H wrote:Then shut up. Don't say things if you aren't prepared to take the consequences. And if it could get another member banned, if you feel so bloody motivated to be an arsehole, tell Robert, instead of wiping your shit in this thread.

EDIT: Sorry, really bad mood.
Who is Robert?
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