The Election Thread - Vote 2004

Square Eyes
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Just how much hassle is all of this ?

We are in one of the privileged areas who are "experimenting" with a postal only vote in the Local and European elections this year. Anyway, got my ballot papers through the post the other day, although at first glance they nearly got chucked away as they looked like a mailshot from a catalogue company.

The whole process is flawed, it's not that it's particularly complicated but just too involved that makes it all very cumbersome and a hassle. First you have to declare you are who you say you are, sign a declaration then get a witness to vouch for you and sign. This gets detached from the main ballot paper.

The ballot paper itself is straightforward enough, 10 candidates for the Euro Elections and just 2 for the Local Elections (yes the Tories have given up around here, so much for democracy :roll: ). As an aside, I have to wonder why there are so many anti-European parties that have surfaced. Surely it would be to their benefit to merge together and actually become a real political force rather than just splitting the Anti-European vote. No ?

After all of this comes lots of faffing about with 2 envelopes, putting the ballot paper in one, the declaration in another, and putting one envelope in the other, whilst ensuring bar codes and addresses etc. match up in the windows. Then of course trotting down to the post box. Can we really see the old dears in the nursing home bothering with any of this ? Surely the point of democracy is to make it accessible and simple, what could possibly be simpler than strolling down to your local polling station, standing in a wooden booth and putting your cross against your choice of candidate before popping it in the battered old box ? It's also infinitely more satisfying and visible, like you've actually participated in democracy.

Just because an envelope has been put through the door doesn't make it anymore accessible, and it's had the opposite effect on me, completely turning me off the whole process.

So, after all that I've decided I can't be bothered, and besides, I spilt my minestrone cup-a-soup on the ballot paper anyway. And don't even get me started on the process for getting a replacement form. :shock: :roll:
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We're like you, we're in the experimental area for this, though I am not old enough to vote yet (will be in January next year) I managed to look at my sister's paper and I found it rather confusing, you have to vote for 3 different things:

-Parish Councillor
-European (The main one)

Some say that you can have a maximum of two different votes, though whilst looking at the European one I didn't realise there were so many parties. The problem is with it is that you're bombarded with loads of sheets and envelopes where you have to put the sheet in the correct way and some stupid witness statement or something.

What's wrong with the old Voting booth, eh?
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Nick Harvey
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The voting booth is only available from 07:00 to 22:00 on Thursday June 10th. The postal vote is available over a number of days, so is more convenient for those who will be out of the country on June 10th.
Square Eyes
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Maurice Myner wrote:The voting booth is only available from 07:00 to 22:00 on Thursday June 10th. The postal vote is available over a number of days, so is more convenient for those who will be out of the country on June 10th.
Well as far as I was aware, a postal vote was available anyway if you wanted it under the old system. Or you could nominate somebody to vote for you by proxy if you weren't around on election day.

This new only by post system limits choice and makes the process unnecessarily bureaucratic for everyone.
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Square Eyes wrote:Just how much hassle is all of this ?

The ballot paper itself is straightforward enough, 10 candidates for the Euro Elections and just 2 for the Local Elections (yes the Tories have given up around here, so much for democracy :roll: ).
It does seem to be a bit complicated.

Oh and as well as the complication of the postal voting, and the fact that there are Euro elections as well, my local council has had boundary changes which means the entire council is up for election not just a third. So we have a choice of 11 candidates and have to vote for 3 of them (I wonder how many will vote for 3 different parties!).

These three elements would be confusing on their own, but all together I can see a lot of papers being spoiled.

Also, if council estate types can't be bothered to go to a polling station, I can't see them bothering to mark 4 X's, detach, put in envelope A, then get someone to sign it and put in envelope B, can you!

And you just knew they'd be delays in the post didn't you!
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Being the disorganised person that I am, I have lost BOTH my envelopes! Oh well, guess I'll have to go up to the council offices and ask what I do now!
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Katherine wrote:Being the disorganised person that I am, I have lost BOTH my envelopes! Oh well, guess I'll have to go up to the council offices and ask what I do now!
There was a sheet with the voting forms for our area that gave a phone number if you had made a mistake, I don't know if they vary by region.
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I happen to live in the really organised town of Stockport. If you've seen North West Tonight over the last few weeks you'll have heard about the rather unfortunate printing problems Stockport have had.

In these elections we have to vote for 3 councillors (they've changed all the ward boundaries so we're starting from fresh) and the MEP. I got my polling card which distinctly said MANOR WARD on it but the candidates were for a different ward! the card also said that if there were any problems I should contact Bolton MBC at Bolton Town Hall, even though it said Stockport MBC on the card!!!!!

I think i'll vote in Ceredigion this time!!


IMO This EU is really scary,they have the power to rule britain and knock of the prime minister( OK So we hate the prime minister but you don't want someone from Brussels ruling us) :(
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Casted my vote at the council offices....... here's a hint; I didn't vote Labour or Liberal Democrat....
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Katherine wrote:Casted my vote at the council offices....... here's a hint; I didn't vote Labour or Liberal Democrat....
Someone actually voted for the Respect Coalition?! :P
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