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dosxuk wrote: Mon 05 Jun, 2023 09.54
Kojak wrote: Mon 05 Jun, 2023 09.44You know what, I'm past caring at this point. You're a complete and utter tool, and if being able to post on that forum means having to suck up to people like you, I'd rather not.
Considering I don't post on that forum because I'm not a fan of the rules they've applied, you won't have to do much sucking. The difference is I'm not on here every week complaining about how unfair everything is - their site, their rules - I'll have my discussions elsewhere thank you.
If we agree on so much, then why are you having a go at me? You're right. I won't go on there again. I just think it's a shame that what was once such a great website has been taken over by tinpot little Hitlers.
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What is wrong with you?
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Joe wrote: Mon 05 Jun, 2023 16.33 What is wrong with you?
I just don't like being taken for a prat, Joe. I'll happily admit that I have generally often acted like a complete dick to many people on here, yourself included, and I would like to apologise for that. I wish I could say I had an excuse, but I don't. Not really.

There are clearly fundamental differences between what I (and some others here) think is the best way to run an online forum, and what the people who run Pres Cafe think about that. That's fine. It's their site, and I wish them well. It'll be better for everyone - myself included - if I stay well away from both that site and here from now on. Pete, you'll probably ban me when you read this and you'd be well justified to do so. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. Thank you. Goodbye.
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Kojak wrote: Sun 04 Jun, 2023 11.38 It is indeed absolutely ridiculous and pathetic, having your account restricted with no explanation whatsoever. I can only imagine it's because we said things that Andrew Wood (yes, we know it's you running the show, why bother hiding?) didn't particularly like. The Schofield thing was a classic example - a few people got upset about the discussion, went crying on here, and the next thing, discussion of This Morning as a whole is banned. Incredible.

And then you have to deal with having to pussyfoot around certain members on Pres Cafe, lest they or their minions go crying about it on here. I didn't realise All New Phil was the Pope, whose ring we all have to kiss! That is the only reason I can think of for Jonwo's stupid little comment about another user, Studio7. In future why don't we just run all of our posts past Phil and Jonwo first for approval? Hey! Maybe they are two of the secret mods? And then there's Phil (again!) and Cando demanding that anyone who dares criticise BBC News be burned at the stake. Cando obviously works for BBC World so can perhaps be forgiven, but I bet the rest of you don't even think the new channel is that good, really - because it's not. It's fucking dire. You only make out it's God's gift to TV news because it's the opposite to what everyone else on PC says. Childlike behaviour.

Peter, it's a real shame your forum never took off. At least we knew who the moderators were! It's a real shame that two wonderful forums both shut down, to be replaced by this pathetic little ego trip by a few saddos. But hey. I'm shouting into the void here. Pete's probably going to ban me because he doesn't like anyone interrupting his little clique. That's fine. I've said my bit. It was nice knowing you all. Now it's time I moved on. I think that would be better for everyone.
Are you OK? I don't work in journalism/media, live in the UK or have ever worked for the BBC in any capacity....

You're not exactly Jessica Fletcher
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Just so I can get up to speed here, certain users are not happy at moderation of the forum because they ended up using VPN to create Sock puppet accounts? When they got found out they to got placed on mod and never fully explained?

Plus certain users are not happy how the Red top Scandal of This morning thread was locked? This isnt a new topic and anyone that really cared would have been following this all on Social media for the past 4 years, nothing yet has been proven wrong.

Who all know what would have happened..

Friday - talk about the Interview = who lied, etc
Sat - Martin comments
Sun - ??
Mon - Eammon comment, Martins comments, Holly comments. Kim woodburn saying B word again.

Everyone talking a stance believing one side or the other saying its either witch hunt or someone is covering stuff up. Oddly enough were not further forward in the grand scheme of things since last Tuesday with this story, Is that really a presentation debate? Strangely a thread not been made on this place?
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I mean, it is sorta fair in some way to get restricted after using a VPN, I know a user earlier had made an account to try to pose as an infamous figure in the old forums prior and got banned for it. It really wasn't a good power move if anything.

The amount of dramatics in this thread is really laughable. I'm restricted myself, so I can relate to the bitterness of some of the posters here, given that the last post I made was making a BBC Four thread about a U-Turn and my presumption was different to what the moderators said, so I've kept a pretty good low-profile and kept some non-quality opinions and comments to myself, if not, posting it and not expecting them to go through. Usually I have better luck posting specifically TV channel news or observations. You'll see my rant a few pages back of course, but I've mellowed out to it and have hardly went on a tirade against any of the baristas on that forum.

If I have to say, I'm really impressed that the thread went on for so long before it's inevitable deletion. But in reality, I don't feel like at that point it was about TV presentation, it was more Digital Spy than it was TV Forum. Plus I think it was responsible for the abysmal performance of the website given that was all that was getting traffic, so that definitely does say a lot.
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I really struggle to make sense of Technologist’s posts.
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This is a TV presentation forum, and everyone is bent out of shape over a bunch of ultimately meaningless transgressions. It never ceases to amaze me.

Anyway, they put a little 4 on the logo. That's neat.
bilky asko
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I see that threads on Pres Café are now readable to non-members. I think it's especially useful on a forum where the first post in a thread is rarely the most enticing.
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Nick Harvey
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bilky asko wrote: I see that threads on Pres Café are now readable to non-members.
That's excellent news, as I like to read every day but rarely post, so now don't need to keep logging in and out.
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bilky asko wrote: Fri 16 Jun, 2023 11.27 I see that threads on Pres Café are now readable to non-members. I think it's especially useful on a forum where the first post in a thread is rarely the most enticing.
Much better than before, what they should have done from the start
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