Queen Elizabeth II

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London Bridge is Down, and this day marks the end of an era, as the UK's longest reigning monarch has died, after months of poor health. Be we monarchists, or republicans, or somewhere in between, this is probably the biggest historical event of modern times. Elizabeth II, the Queen who oversaw the end of Britain's Imperial era, 15 Prime Ministers, is dead.
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Indeed. May she rest in peace.
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I've seen so much nastiness online, it's shocking. I'm no fan of the royal family myself, but could these people just show a little respect?

Of course, typically, most of it's coming from Americans, often showing their ignorance. A lot of it celebrating her death because of British colonial atrocities that happened before she was queen, and in many cases before she was even born (some of them still seem to be fighting George III and the redcoats). Or showing their ignorance that as head of state she has things done in her name that she actually had nothing to do with, but they seem to think she personally approved of. In fact some people I actually know in the US who I thought knew better have been doing that, I've had crap about Northern Ireland and Alan Turing retweeted into my timeline from them.

Seen lots of them gloating about how "Irish Twitter" is celebrating her death (was actually trending earlier 🤦‍♂️), just to look and see most of these "Irish" people are actually Americans who likely have never set foot in the country in generations but insist they're more Irish than the actual Irish because their relatives came from there 100-odd years ago, and spout complete nonsense on the Northern Ireland situation and the IRA- and are using that as a reason to cheer on her death. Even seen some of them blaming the potato famine on her- which happened 70-80 years before she was even born.

It's one thing not particularly liking the royals or being bothered about her death (which is how I feel), it's another being actively malicious and gleeful over it, especially when it's based in ignorance. This is one of those times you wish some people could just shut their mouths for a brief while.
all new Phil
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I agree. I think it’s important to remember that these people are a very noisy but tiny minority, and they should be treated like the irrelevance that they are.
Dr Lobster*
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Do you think we'll ever find out when she actually died? it's interesting, reading on pres.cafe, and also the BBC journalist Yalda Hakim announcing she had died several hours before it was announced, it seemed given the rolling coverage a lot more was known by a few behind the scenes.

It was surreal seeing the news break on BBC One, with Huw Edwards and Nicholas Witchell talking about her in the present tense, and then just announcing her death in the next breath. I think we'd been all expecting it given how the events of the day had unfolded, with the rolling coverage, but it was still a shocking, lump in the throat moment.
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all new Phil wrote: Fri 09 Sep, 2022 22.03 I agree. I think it’s important to remember that these people are a very noisy but tiny minority, and they should be treated like the irrelevance that they are.
Indeed, it's always worth remembering that on Twitter it takes as few as 1000 tweets or retweets to make it high up on the trending list. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions of course, but the Twitter trending list is not even a reflection of a majority of Twitter users' views, never mind the population at large.
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Dr Lobster* wrote: Sat 10 Sep, 2022 15.43 Do you think we'll ever find out when she actually died? it's interesting, reading on pres.cafe, and also the BBC journalist Yalda Hakim announcing she had died several hours before it was announced, it seemed given the rolling coverage a lot more was known by a few behind the scenes.

It was surreal seeing the news break on BBC One, with Huw Edwards and Nicholas Witchell talking about her in the present tense, and then just announcing her death in the next breath. I think we'd been all expecting it given how the events of the day had unfolded, with the rolling coverage, but it was still a shocking, lump in the throat moment.
Liz Truss we know was informed around 4:30pm. and BBC journalist Yalda Hakim reported it around 3pm I believe so I doubt she had died then.
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Alan de Robson
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As a royalist myself, I'm gutted. God Save The King!

I found the accession and proclamation ceremonies on Saturday morning an equal degree of fascinating, odd and strangely comforting. It was, in many ways, like stepping back hundreds of years back into our history and emphasised the much-made point in recent days about continuity. Also made me think of the "There'll Always Be An England" song for some reason.

I did take a look at some of the comments on Twitter and I feel sorry for those whose lives are so bitter and empty they feel they need to mock.
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I do wonder how many of them would have the nerve to stand there booing the coffin on the processions or similar, they're never as tough when not behind a keyboard.

We've even had people like Putin and the leaders of Sinn Fein being gracious about her, and these sorts of people aren't always respectful in this kind of situation, which really puts into perspective how petty these keyboard warriors are being.

Was rather stupidly arguing with people in a chatroom earlier who were banging on about colonialism and thinly veiled arguments implying the IRA bombings were justified (I wouldn't be suprised if they weren't even alive during the troubles and seeing bombings on the news every other week, and none of them were from NI either), I really should just leave them to be idiots. You know they wouldn't say these things without the anonymity of the internet. It's amazing how anyone with even the most tenuous grasp on reality can think "NI is an incredibly complex situation from both sides" is an offensive and controversial statement, you really have to be ignorantly listening to only the extreme end of one side of the debate to believe that.

I'm not even a fan of the royals and the queen myself and it all feels horribly disrespectful and nasty. The time for arguments about colonialism and the monarchy really isn't right now.
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I'm not a royalist or a monarchist or anything like that. The Queen's passing doesn't upset me in and of itself but I am surprised by how much the occurrence moved me. I think for me it was knowing the amount of grief that the old lady's passing caused, and how sad that was making so many people.
james2001 wrote: Sun 11 Sep, 2022 16.32 I do wonder how many of them would have the nerve to stand there booing the coffin on the processions or similar, they're never as tough when not behind a keyboard.
Is that really something you think they should be doing? Chatting shit on the internet is way less offensive than actually booing in person because it's entirely possible to just ignore the written commentary you don't desire to see. I haven't seen any, incidentally, not that I have been deliberately ignoring anything as it wouldn't cause me offense in any case.

What I do find slightly offensive is the crowds of people obviously having a great time hugging and taking selfies with people who are mourning at the loss of a relative. Incredible lack of self awareness and common courtesy.
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Nick Harvey
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Just had to pop out for a battery for a clock.

The great British public seem to be convinced that all the shops will shut for the next two weeks for the Queen's funeral.
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