2015 UK Election

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So, BoJo is standing for parliament. Could even be in my constituency where George Young is stepping down. He's guaranteed a seat in here North West Hampshire - conservative heartlands.

David Cameron said he wants his 'star players' for the election. Basically, all of the Bullingdon Club!
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all new Phil wrote:Is it just me that wishes a party existed that just had the best bits of the ones we have now? I mean, I like the Tories for their economic management, but I don't like a lot of their social policies. I admire Labour's desire for good schools and hospitals, but they're a bunch of incompetent hand-wringers.

I think what I'd ultimately like is for the Tories to move to the left a bit, but that will never happen without the dinosaurs of the party revolting.
I think that's what the LibDems aspire to. And look how that's going.

Anyway- Labour aren't all incompetent. Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling had a lot of things go wrong, but calling them a bunch of incompetent hand-wringers is a tad harsh. Miliband, Harman and Mr and Mrs Balls are perfectly good politicians.

I always have and always will hold the belief that capitalism was the cause of this s**t situation that we're just escaping now.
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ASO wrote:Miliband, Harman and Mr and Mrs Balls are perfectly good politicians.
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lukey wrote:
ASO wrote:Miliband, Harman and Mr and Mrs Balls are perfectly good politicians.
He's right. Good politicians. It's being human beings where they fall down.
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I have a strong dislike of the Tories, but I don't pretend that everything they did has been bad (just most of it).

They did a lot of the things the Labour party would have done (levels of borrowing etc) but because of their ideological bent, they prioritised the wrong things when overseeing the recovery that started before the election.

The economy is no longer in dire straights, but it is first and foremost business and bankers who are benefiting. Wages across the board are being reduced, whilst working conditions are deteriorating, and the public-sector is being demonised and demoralised. Public service workers are what makes society work, and if they suffer, we all do.

Also those less fortunate people who rely on benefits are being treated as sub-human (even those in work but still reliant on welfare) and this has been driven by the government and the right-wing press. Migration has been allowed to dominate the general discussion, allowing the rise in UKIP and fear based arguments.

The very presence of the Tory government, and their LibDem cohorts, may very well lead to Scotland's separation from the United Kingdom.

Not to mention the NHS.

Coincidently, the only Tory politician to not cause any significant damage, was Boris Johnson, who pretty much continued in the same track as Ken Livingstone, if only with a different outer image. But London has always been a left-leaning beacon, out of step with the rest of the UK.
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Were going to end up with Boris as PM in 2020..
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please god no
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I think Boris would be a fantastic PM. You can say a lot, a very lot, about him, don't get me wrong. But the guy is arguably the only straight talking guy in politics.
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robschneider wrote:I think Boris would be a fantastic PM. You can say a lot, a very lot, about him, don't get me wrong. But the guy is arguably the only straight talking guy in politics.
Shame what he says is awful right wing conservative piffle. Straight talking is only good, if what they are saying is something you can agree with.
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robschneider wrote:I think Boris would be a fantastic PM. You can say a lot, a very lot, about him, don't get me wrong. But the guy is arguably the only straight talking guy in politics.
Can I have some of what you've been taking please?
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robschneider wrote:I think Boris would be a fantastic PM. You can say a lot, a very lot, about him, don't get me wrong. But the guy is arguably the only straight talking guy in politics.

What planet are you living on?

He is straight talking. Doesn't mean he's good, or would make a good Prime Minister. He's still an idiot in so many ways. A likeable idiot. An ambitious idiot. An okay Mayor of London idiot. But still an idiot.

He's not arguably the only straight talking guy in politics. Clearly you don't read a newspaper. Or at least a proper one. There are LOTS of straight talking people in politics. Politics doesn't just include the cabinet, the shadow cabinet, the leaders of parties and the Mayor of London.

What if there was an international crisis? And no sane person would trust him with his finger on the button.

Come on. Get real. He's loveable. He would make a great MP somewhere like my constituency. But a fantastic PM? I feel sorry for anyone who holds that opinion.
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