Is facebook on the wane?

Dr Lobster*
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remind you of anybody you know?

i find it funny how there are one or two people (all female) who constantly seem to be bickering, "ending friendships", posting "motivational" images and other crud. facebook seems to be a haven for like minded needy low self esteem fodder.

again, i'm not sure if it's how my friends list is balanced, but most of my male friends rarely post, but several female friends seem to update their status with the most mundane, brain numbing shite all the time. somebody who seems to have disappeared (one of those who keeps deactivating their profile for attention) aways seems to be having problems with "men", her "ex" and "backstabbers". it's like the ramblings of a 13 year old school girl. i only keep my fb to keep in touch with school friends and the like, fortunately you can hide the posts from these folk now.

a few people say "twitter" is the way forward, but isn't that just facebook without the photos (ie, same mindless boring crud)?
all new Phil
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I get annoyed when people post vague statuses such as "Really pissed off right now" or similar, blatantly wanting people to comment on them with "OMG what's up? Are you ok?" etc. I tend to just click on "Like".
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Gavin Scott
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all new Phil wrote:I get annoyed when people post vague statuses such as "Really pissed off right now" or similar, blatantly wanting people to comment on them with "OMG what's up? Are you ok?" etc. I tend to just click on "Like".
God yes I suffer from someone constantly doing this.

Talk about *drama*. Its all so fucking self-serving, to the point where he could really do with being shaken violently and told what real drama is.

He's one more whiny update away from being turfed off my list.

Actually I removed someone recently who had duped me into accepting a friend request by having some random hotty profile picture. I shallowly accepted; but when I saw the real snaps I didn't want to appear more shallow by unfriending.

Paradox much?

Anyway, not only was he piglike in looks but also annoying in nature. One of those "who will reply to this and show me who my real friends are", so I was like, "BYEE!".

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Someone I know who shall soon be getting married just "Liked" an estate agent. They don't work there, nor do they know anyone who works there, nor have they said anything on the housing front at all.

I can't help but feel this is a prompt.
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Have I said this before or did I just think it?

Who would want to "like" Juan Sheet off of the kitchen roll adverts? They suggest that you do on the advert endboard. I mean, really?!
Dr Lobster*
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What is this business of ending a status update with a hashtag?

For example : I'm really bored. #rainydayssuck

What is the point?
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Dr Lobster* wrote:What is this business of ending a status update with a hashtag?

For example : I'm really bored. #rainydayssuck

What is the point?
There may be some social media apps out there which allow you to update your Twitter and Facebook status simultaneously. #speculation
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Dr Lobster* wrote:What is this business of ending a status update with a hashtag?

For example : I'm really bored. #rainydayssuck

What is the point?
Probably people who find that updating their twitter and facebook statuses is too much of a chore, so they have them linked. And as everybody know's, you can't have a twitter status without at least one #tag.

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Gavin Scott
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I hate twitter. It's weak.
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dosxuk wrote:
Dr Lobster* wrote:What is this business of ending a status update with a hashtag?

For example : I'm really bored. #rainydayssuck

What is the point?
Probably people who find that updating their twitter and facebook statuses is too much of a chore, so they have them linked. And as everybody know's, you can't have a twitter status without at least one #tag.

Yes, I think you're on to something.

Good Lord!
Dr Lobster*
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I hate twitter too. It's just so boring. At least with Facebook you can see your school chums dirty carpet.

Never ever seen the fascination with it. A load of celebs and other cretins spouting their worthless opinions or jumping on another bandwagon.... I think I'll pass.
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