New Facebook

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Things I like:
Better strip at the top
Larger photos on the news feed
Close Friends and Acquaintances lists
Inclusion of location in statuses, as opposed to being separate updates through Places.

Things I don't like:
The 'ticker' on the right, showing me what's happening on the news feed while I'm already browsing what's happening on the news feed. Bizarre.
The fact that Top News and Most Recent have merged into one - I liked having them separate.

And Smart Lists are potentially good, but it's messy when there might be a few separate pages for unis/employers. I have a smart list with the old name for my uni, and a list with the new name for example.

But saying all this, I'll probably forget what the old Facebook even looked like in a week or two...
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DVB Cornwall
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The ticker tells you much more than what's in your own News Feed (NF) though, it allows you to see interactions between friends and their friends which are not shown on your NF. Those conversations were only visible before by clicking through to the relevant profile. It also acts as a watch feature on previous conversations between your own friends, but excluding you, within your own feed, that could be easily be lost in a 'busy' NF.
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Nick Harvey
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Is anyone else getting this problem where every time a new story appears on the ticker, the main body of the News Feed page jumps back to the top, regardless of how far down you'd scrolled? It's making it impossible for me to scroll down and read all of the News Feed that's appeared since I last logged on.

I've reported it through the official Facebook Bug Report channel and, so far, they've shown their usual level of (dis)interest. All I've had back is an automated request for a screen grab, which is a bit difficult in the case of a complaint about something which keeps moving.

In case it's relevant, XP SP3, IE7. Doesn't appear to happen on 'er indoors' Win 7, IE8 machine.
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It's probably something to do with IE7 then - have you tried Firefox/Google Chrome/IE8/another browser on the same system?
all new Phil
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I don't mind it to be honest. The only thing I can't get my head round is the sorting of the news feed, and it giving priority to things it thinks are important. To be honest, I'd rather they just appeared in chronological order like before. It doesn't seem to be doing this as obviously as it was yesterday though, so maybe they've already tweaked it.
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Gavin Scott
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I read somewhere that it will learn what you consider important etc and list things accordingly.

I'm pretty confused between "recent", "more recent" and "earlier today" - especially when a post of two minutes ago by me falls into that third category.

I'm quite enjoying the "I am appalled that the free service I am under no obligation to use has changed and slightly inconveniences me" wall post going around - but as a lot of real pals are not enjoying the new layout, I won't aggravate them further by reposting this thing.

And even if I did people would probably not see it.

I do get the feeling that I'm missing stuff on my feed. And why oh why is some silly, slightly homophobic big-nosed tart (sister of a pal, who I added at his request) still at the top of my list from yesterday with a picture of a cake she's baked and could WELL DO WITHOUT eating?

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woah wrote:It's probably something to do with IE7 then - have you tried Firefox/Google Chrome/IE8/another browser on the same system?
Definitely IE7 - these days IE7 is just as out of date as IE6.
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I like that a lot. :D
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Now THAT I like.
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Ebeneezer Scrooge
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At the start of the timeline video, I was quite impressed. I think I'd still be impressed if a friend had put it together himself on a personal website as a demonstration of some web technologies, but I'm struggling to see its usefulness in facebook.

Once everybody has a timeline profile, I think it will be a lot less impressive - I can't see me ever going to facebook to specifically browse somebody's timeline and if (in the unlikely case that I was to set up a timeline) a new friend/acquaintance was to use it to research my life, I'd find it kind of creepy.

With regards to the homepage updates, I wasn't a fan - hated it at first as I couldn't find it. Now I'm of the opinion that the main column and the update ticker would be better suited if they were swapped round - all the information I want is in the small column. I like how the stories pop up when you click on that list, giving me quick access to individual items. The rest of the news feed is just a bit blah and was what finally pushed me to uninstall all of the facebook app updates on my phone so it stops taking up valuable space.
I think I'm kind of over facebook a bit now - just a bit concerned that I could be out of the loop if I deactivated!
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