The New Real Thing

bilky asko
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I was perusing Twitter when I saw an advertising link to Coca-Cola about their reduction of sugar in drinks. One snippet that interested me was this:
We’re always looking for new ways to make our drinks healthier and more nutritious, reducing sugar and calories where possible, while still offering that same great taste. And it’s going well - the UK is the first country in the world where we sell more no-sugar cola than regular Coca‑Cola (sales of diet and zero-sugar combined).
Though they have combined the sales of Diet Coke and Coke Zero, it is interesting to note that the UK is the first country where this is the case - though the same article also notes that all Coca-Cola marketing in the UK only features the Zero Sugar variety.

I wonder if anyone here has changed over from the full-sugar version to the zero-sugar version since the sugar tax was introduced?
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I don’t really drink either too often, but I tend to find full fat Coke too sweet now. Maybe my tastebuds have adapted, and I don’t have much sweet stuff anyway, but I think they could reduce the amount of sugar in it considerably.
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The weird thing about switching between regular Coke and Coke Zero Sugar is that Coke Zero Sugar doesn't give me a weird sticky after taste after I drink it, whereas regular Coke just tastes very very sickly sweet.

I guess I've adapted to no sugar Coke and honestly, it feels like a way better drink for some reason.
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I haven't drunk full-fat soft drinks for over a year now. I do like Coke Zero, prefer it over Diet Coke, which I find a bit bland in taste.
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I have cans of Coke Zero in the house as a more regular (but not that regular!) drink. It's reasonable and tastes way better than Diet Coke, which I consider to be completely different drink to the Coca-Cola/Coke Zero options.

When I'm out, I'll always still head for Coca-Cola as my preferred option. The only effect that the sugar tax has had on me is that I've stopped buying cans and 500ml bottles, opting for the better value 1l+ sizes instead (only downside being that they are rarely refrigerated).
If I'm buying a drink out, it's normally because I'm exhausted or I'm out for a treat. In the case of being exhausted, the lack of sugar in the Zero type drinks just makes them unsatisfying and I find they generally don't hit the spot. And obviously, if I'm out for a treat... why would I opt for second best?!
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Best thing I ever did, ditching the sugary versions of these drinks. I drink a lot of Pepsi Max and Coke Zero - I prefer the taste of those to the Diet alternatives.
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I imagine the success is also down in part to the sugar tax pushing up the price of regular Coke, and the infinite varieties avaliable too.

I think In a taste test I would still prefer full fat coke but I cut most caffine out of my diet a few years ago and will now drink Coke Zero on those occasions when I do and don't really notice the difference.
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Rob's mention of Pepsi Max made me realise how good the flavoured versions of that drink are.

Raspberry and Cherry are equally just sweet without giving me that insanely sickly sticky aftertaste. It's like drinking candy/sweets, it's probably why I love it so much. But I often just order a Pepsi Max every time I go into the canteen.
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I prefer Coke Zero Vanilla and Coke Zero Cherry but I do drink Coke Zero on its own, I've never been a fan of Diet Coke.

The Freestyle machines at Five Guys have Coke Zero as well as others in a strawberry and raspberry varieties, I do like mixing them up to create a fizzy fruit punch,
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JetixFann450 wrote: Sat 05 Nov, 2022 20.35 Rob's mention of Pepsi Max made me realise how good the flavoured versions of that drink are.

Raspberry and Cherry are equally just sweet without giving me that insanely sickly sticky aftertaste. It's like drinking candy/sweets, it's probably why I love it so much. But I often just order a Pepsi Max every time I go into the canteen.
The Cherry one is awful. Don't like raspberry, but the lime one is my flavour of choice.

I tend to drink more Pepsi Max than Coke Zero, simply because we sell it at work.
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Given the choice of any flavour of Coke Zero or Pepsi Max, if it’s in the same fridge then Fanta Fruit Twist wins every time for me.
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