Pres Cafe Watch News and Information Board

Martin Phillp
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Wasn't there a previous ban on registrations during the summer holidays at the blue and Rob's forum?
TVF's London Lite.
Inspector Sands
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Not been here for a while. Looking back at the various conversations about moderation, Pres Cafes rather strict enforcing has generally made it a nice place to be, much more controlled than it's predecessors.... in a good way

However some of it's just nonsensical. If a reply needs to be under 30 characters then that's how long it needs. If you want me to fill it with waffle then I will pollute the forum with waffle. I even got a warning for filling to the required character limit.

It's all very well having restrictions on 'websnatched' material, but not blanket bans on channels when they're not publishing a list of which channels they are. The number of times I've wanted to post a relevant video only to have it rejected because the YouTube account stole a clip 15 years ago. How am I meant to know that?

The same goes with social media accounts - totally up to their whim of where information can come from. Posted news of a channel launch date last night, link from what looks like a perfectly good TV news source on Twitter. This morning it had gone, but I couldn't actually remember if I'd actually posted it so posted the information again as a post without the Twitter link. That went as well and then a warning because I posted from an untrusted source and I need to assess quality and reliability of sources before I post.

Well thank you Mr Moderator, decades in the media, years working in a newsroom, a degree in the subject..... I'm quite capable of judging that this is reliable information from an established account with a few thousand posts. I'm not some kid posting any old nonsense.

Another post on a different thread with details about new radio stations starts 'according to another forum'. So how come hearsay from Digital Spy is reliable, but they can pick and choose actual online news sources.

I think it would be very different if it wasn't connected to other social media accounts who post TV news and a website that dresses up it's odd opinions into what it thinks are worthy and important articles.

Rant over.

Hello everyone by the way
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Inspector Sands wrote: Mon 09 Sep, 2024 20.28 The same goes with social media accounts - totally up to their whim of where information can come from. Posted news of a channel launch date last night, link from what looks like a perfectly good TV news source on Twitter. This morning it had gone, but I couldn't actually remember if I'd actually posted it so posted the information again as a post without the Twitter link. That went as well and then a warning because I posted from an untrusted source and I need to assess quality and reliability of sources before I post.

Well thank you Mr Moderator, decades in the media, years working in a newsroom, a degree in the subject..... I'm quite capable of judging that this is reliable information from an established account with a few thousand posts. I'm not some kid posting any old nonsense.
Can you share with us the perfectly good TV news source that they wouldn't allow so we can see it too as that does seem a bit unusual?
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Inspector Sands, I always found your input on all of the forums to be interesting, relevant etc... The moderation of pres cafe makes absolutely zero sense as mentioned by so so many people here.

My frustration at not being able to post is long gone. Rarely look at it because there is very little content of interest and that's because of the moderation and the banning and the fleeing of members who are just over it all.

What is the point in spending time on a forum that is managed, moderated like the folk from Gilead. It's pathetic.

Time to move on chap, it's a wasteland, it's Irrelevant.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat 22 Oct, 2022 02.38

How exactly am I supposed to close my account on Pres Cafe? I've been on admin review for months now and I can't really tolerate it much more.
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Location: Birmingham

Have you considered... just logging out and never logging back in?
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Joined: Sat 22 Oct, 2022 02.38

I would want to get it fully deleted as quickly as possible but there is a 3 month inactivity deletion policy so I might.
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon 15 Oct, 2018 00.50

While I do respect that the International Presentation forum mostly consists of posters just reposting links of TV continuities of channels who most of the time have rebranded recently, the response by the moderators to have more "discussion" feels genuinely arbitrary, especially considering the thread is really useful in discovering what channels have refreshed or changed their looks, so it doesn't make any sense to force them to have an opinion on them if they're decent enough for them to post on the thread anyway?

If we weren't posting these, the thread would be dead otherwise, plus I have no idea what kind of discussion points we could add to the presentation we post anyways? "Oh, this German channel changed their logo, it looks really nice". Forum posters will comment their opinions after it's been posted, the poster doesn't necessarily need to post his thoughts if he has nothing of noteworthy to add, especially if said identity looks good. If it's something bad, they'd obviously say that, but in most cases they don't need to.
Member of Pres Cafe who occasionally pops in and out. I have a tanuki profile picture over there and my name's not "JetixFann450"
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JetixFann450 wrote: Mon 04 Nov, 2024 14.43 While I do respect that the International Presentation forum mostly consists of posters just reposting links of TV continuities of channels who most of the time have rebranded recently, the response by the moderators to have more "discussion" feels genuinely arbitrary, especially considering the thread is really useful in discovering what channels have refreshed or changed their looks, so it doesn't make any sense to force them to have an opinion on them if they're decent enough for them to post on the thread anyway?

If we weren't posting these, the thread would be dead otherwise, plus I have no idea what kind of discussion points we could add to the presentation we post anyways? "Oh, this German channel changed their logo, it looks really nice". Forum posters will comment their opinions after it's been posted, the poster doesn't necessarily need to post his thoughts if he has nothing of noteworthy to add, especially if said identity looks good. If it's something bad, they'd obviously say that, but in most cases they don't need to.
When I created the PC International Presentation forum, the purpose was just to be a showcase of presentation from around the world, like the one on the blue place and the purple place. That's all I intended to be, and I am thrilled it became one of the largest threads on Pres Cafe, because I like to see what other countries are doing, not a discussion on the merits of a country's broadcasting industry. I agree, it is arbitrary, and its hard to have discussion on topics we don't know much about, when we don't speak those languages.
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Location: Somewhere Very Serious

cysjunk wrote: Fri 25 Oct, 2024 23.38 I would want to get it fully deleted as quickly as possible but there is a 3 month inactivity deletion policy so I might.
As I remember you saying you were going on a 3 month hiatus to get your account deleted as you couldn't tolerate it there any more, you should be aware someone seems to have hacked your account this week as they're using it to post CBeebies stings and the exact air times of Timmy Time in the Oldest Presentation Elements thread. I would suggest you might want to change your password to stop such an outrageous imposter!
I'm on the David Lees Honor Roll!
Knight in West
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon 21 Mar, 2022 10.30

Both International Pres threads are now under moderation - the 'regurgitating information as discussion' problem is apparently as serious as dragging political arguments into the GB News thread.

Is it really necessary for threads that can be dead for weeks? And it just feels like my response 2 weeks ago (plus the doubts raised both on PC and here) aren't really heard.

Well, all I can say is enjoy monitoring them mods, coz nobody will be there^^

P.s. I know this thread hates people whining on the same problem, but please let me rant!
Knight in West - W. Knight on Pres Café
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