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Critique wrote: Sun 30 Jun, 2024 19.58 It’s a shame that some of the most prolific posters on the Forum also happen to be some of the most miserable, isn’t it? There’s rarely a day that goes by that something happens and one of a crowd of three or four doesn’t bemoan how awful it is or make some overdramatic comment.

I don’t generally have a problem with the Forum, but my enthusiasm for reading does get sapped by the doom and gloom that some members love to spout at every possible moment.
That's partially why I post a lot of the left field threads- like unused idents celebration, the closedown thread a while back, and stuff like that. I feel that those threads make the forum more fun and less monotonous. I have no problem with anyone on the forum, those who run it, those who use it, but some of us are misers.
Ex-Pat Tyke
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Blewatter wrote: Wed 03 Jul, 2024 21.01
Critique wrote: Sun 30 Jun, 2024 19.58 It’s a shame that some of the most prolific posters on the Forum also happen to be some of the most miserable, isn’t it? There’s rarely a day that goes by that something happens and one of a crowd of three or four doesn’t bemoan how awful it is or make some overdramatic comment.

I don’t generally have a problem with the Forum, but my enthusiasm for reading does get sapped by the doom and gloom that some members love to spout at every possible moment.
That's partially why I post a lot of the left field threads- like unused idents celebration, the closedown thread a while back, and stuff like that. I feel that those threads make the forum more fun and less monotonous. I have no problem with anyone on the forum, those who run it, those who use it, but some of us are misers.
Have to say I've read some comments and while most of them are reasonable some are just downright miserable. Having second thoughts about joining now.
bilky asko
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623058/Barcode/Milkshake is really talking out of his arse in the elections thread. Short of the BBC displaying their graphics on Clive Myrie's forehead, I'm not sure any changes they'd made to the presentation would be enough for him not to declare it lazy.
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That you opinion and we have to respect, Although I never did say it was lazy.

Making the BBC displaying their graphics on Clive Myrie's forehead, would be fun but impractical, which is a shame.
all new Phil
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barcode wrote: Sat 06 Jul, 2024 23.06 That you opinion and we have to respect, Although I never did say it was lazy.

Making the BBC displaying their graphics on Clive Myrie's forehead, would be fun but impractical, which is a shame.
This election went on for far too long, which I have to wonder make things a little bit worse for the broadcasters. In terms of pres, I think it has to be the worse that many have thrown out, heck STV have been down right lazy, with not a single promo anywhere for anything to do with this election. Did Brexit and co zap all the creative juices out of people? or has people become demoralised by the cuts made within TV? BBC election promo, just felt bland and lazy. While some of the news channels rather have given up with UK. It's like many of the pres departments have just ran out of steam.
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I said the promotion of this election was lazy, I give specific examples which your highlighted, I never said the presentation was lazy, That is what I thought Billy was referring to.

It still my opinion that overall across the broad none of the election packages were anything to write home about, especial compared to the other presentation that has appeared, doesn't mean its less valid but its clear its not a very popular opinion either.

What is a more popular opinion is I need to visit Specsavers.
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Well that's reminded me to book my appointment..
They've sent me numerous letters and text messages that my test is due over the past few months...

Now what did I have to do again?
Ex-Pat Tyke
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barcode wrote: Sun 07 Jul, 2024 10.03 I said the promotion of this election was lazy, I give specific examples which your highlighted, I never said the presentation was lazy, That is what I thought Billy was referring to.

It still my opinion that overall across the broad none of the election packages were anything to write home about, especial compared to the other presentation that has appeared, doesn't mean its less valid but its clear its not a very popular opinion either.

What is a more popular opinion is I need to visit Specsavers.
I use a local opticians.

The election coverage was highly professional but the lack of "anything to write home about" was probably an extension of the foregone conclusion that the election was. The thinking may have been 'we know what's going to happen so there's no point being over-excited, just get on with it'
all new Phil
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Excellent, the “ikea set” discourse has returned.
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hi all,

does anyone know why account registration to the Pres Cafe is currently shut?
Charlie Wells
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Maybe they've got a previously banned member trying to register multiple times in a short period of time. Had that happen on TVF and it was a bit of an inconvenience rejecting and/or blocking their multiple accounts.
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