Strange antenna

Dr Lobster*
Posts: 2118
Joined: Sat 30 Aug, 2003 20.14

if there is any forum on this planet which will have an answer to this question, it will be Metropol!

so, I was walking my dog somewhere I'd never taken her before and came across this house with a rather strange arial set up I've never seen before... just what is that circular antenna for? it kinda looks homemade, but it is hard to tell.

as you can see in the non-cropped version of the image, there is what I assume to be a CB antenna on the top of the house, and in the garden there was a massive satellite dish, so whoever lives there is clearly an enthusiast of some kind!

any ideas??


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Is there a WiMAX service in your locality?
Dr Lobster*
Posts: 2118
Joined: Sat 30 Aug, 2003 20.14

Hello Will, I live in the arse end of Norfolk so we don't have anything like that at all.
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This device connected to a potato can offer excellent reception of BBC Radio 4.
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