Ever feel some posters on the BBC site are idiots?

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What does the sticker BBC Blackops imply to you? (tick all that apply)

A geeky joke regarding dealing with behind the scenes tech stuff
Example of someone having pride / enjoying their job
Childish behavior that's harmless
Childish behavior needing a word in the ear
Contempt for licence fee payers
An arrogant "we run the site how we want it run" joke/comment
Something more sinister
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Charlie Wells
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This blog entry is a good example...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/ ... ard_5.html
...seems 'loudGeoffW' who appears to normally post on the Points of View board has decided that he's right and that anyone who disagrees with him must be a plant.

According to a recent post this user has made...
"So convince me you're not a plant, Hymagumba"
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I saw this and knew it had to be the batshit insane POV posters, even when I used to causally browse it 5 years ago it was a strangely anti-BBC, pro-truthiness place to be filled with the salt of the earth 40+ types I've slowly grown to dislike on message boards. Like mediawatch uk but without the organisational element. It's odd but it feels the only people there are mostly the anti BBC set and the ones with the least knowledge but the biggest gobs. Calling people who disagree with their whiny arses plants isn't really making their argument any more cogent.

Personally I'd close the fucker down, let the tin-foil hat brigade spout their hate somewhere which isn't hosted by the people they disparage.
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Nini wrote:Personally I'd close the fucker down, let the tin-foil hat brigade spout their hate somewhere which isn't hosted by the people they disparage.
oh me too, in a second. sadly it seems they have to have something, as we do pay for them after all, so I've tried suggesting alternatives. But what do I know, I'm a plant :)
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Yeah, shameless sod. If they really want to be able to speak their brains regarding the BBC then there's always bbc.co.uk/feedback, right? Sure, it's not a message board where you can bitch and moan about every single move the Beeb makes but if you can go whine about how you pay your license fee so should get a say then I can just as well tell them I don't want it if it doesn't make for an accountable BBC but rather just gives radibly anti-BBC luddites someplace to give a good old gripe.
Steve in Pudsey
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Loud(mouthed-closed-minded-pillock)GeoffW wound me up enough to get an account and throw in a reality check. How he can't see that

a) Radio discussions are misplaced within the message board of a TV programme which deals with comments on TV programmes, and launching a new board within the radio equivalent, Feedback, would be a good move

b) Having a board about TV programmes hosted by somebody from the POV TV show would be more effective than having it hosted by somebody from the internet team

is beyond me.
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haha, even better...

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbpointsofview ... 20&show=20

they're now googling my username as they're so convinced i'm a plant :lol:
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Hymagumba wrote:haha, even better...

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbpointsofview ... 20&show=20

they're now googling my username as they're so convinced i'm a plant :lol:
That is funny. :lol:
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How long do we think it'll be until Geoff ends up here, due to his apparent sleuthing?
Steve in Pudsey
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Quick! Somebody relaunch Metropol as a blog, and make that Twitter feed much more prominent. That'll keep him away!
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I suppose he could be quite partial to Birdsong
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loudGeoffW wrote:Hymagumba, it may be paranoia. But what conclusion would you draw from the picture of Jem with his laptop emblazened 'BBC BlackOps'?
I really do feel sorry for the BBC staff who have to look after the POV messageboards. Whatever they do, they get it in the neck, and if they think to themselves "let them get on with it, I'm just going to ignore it for half an hour", they slowly descend further into their paranoia that the whole of the BBC staff is out to get them.

I'm liking the conviction they have that you're actually a former board host who actually likes message boards rather than blogs, despite your posts. Loud Geoff's sluthing can't be that good since he's not found here yet... or he has but has decided it's an elaborate hoax to keep him off the right track...
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