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Posted: Fri 05 Sep, 2008 02.22
by Alexia
Anyone else playing with this yet? Basically it's what JoanCo used to create her DiscoTechTV music channel - you cue up a load of YouTube and other vids, add a DOG, a ticker and away to go. Free and cheerful, and a nice end product. I've just begun to build my channel and included the entire film of Watership Down, the Party Games episode of Yes Minister, Bill Bailey's Part Troll performance and the Tub of Lard episode of HIGNFY, amongst music videos and a live performance of American Pie by Don McLean.

Legal issues aside of using the YouTube material, what do people think about this type of media delivery? The potential for user-generated content is endless.

I will continue to flesh out my channel for my own personal use so that I can drop into it whenever I like. I've also designed the DOG / logo and thought of a snazzy name.

Anyone else using it?