News that's no longer news

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What happened to Steve Fossett - was he ever found?
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What ever happened to Maddy McCann, I've heard nothing for months! I bet nobody even remembers that she went missing. :shock:
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Yes, The Scream was recovered and three men convicted of its theft [prior to its recovery].

My contribution is the Madonna at Medjugorje. Still allegedly spouting her somewhat trite messages to the no doubt touristically inspired visionaries.
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Fossett is still missing, presumed dead. ... and_search
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BBC Breakfast used to be news but isn't anymore.
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marksi wrote:BBC Breakfast used to be news but isn't anymore.
Yeah, shot themselves in the foot with that one. They'll never be as popular as GMTV in the mornings.

I'd prefer to have quick, snappy news in the morning rather than soppy interviews with various authors and lifestyle guru's from a cold looking, warehouse studio.
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