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What do you lot think of this Two Five Two person? Seems a little familiar to me.
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Two Five Two is clearly James Martin. And I claim my £20.
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Yeah, that obvious? Of course it was troutie though you'll be lucky to get 23p and a half sucked tic-tac.
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Random post. But Christ, has it been six years since the big TV Forum crash?

Getting old.
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Looks like we've got another one going a bit over-zealous in the requests forum, called tvlover. 5 requests, one day.
The New Malpass.
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Gavin Scott
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I honestly feel sick to my stomach with some of the comments in the newsroom vis a vis Jade Goody.

Despite reminding those who should already know how the papers work - even mdta has chimed in saying he doesn't "blaim [sic] the media, he blaims Jade".

Is it just me - or is this just crazy? Blaming a young mother for dying of cancer?

Don't get me started on Brekkie. He's one of those "I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire" types. Shrivelled walnut where he should have an ounce of compassion and empathy.

Kind of answers a lot of the questions I had about him.

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Gavin Scott
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Obviously touched a nerve with Brekkie. He's gone for the "you and your cronies" whinge, despite the fact that I have addressed him all on my own.

Nothing to do with me calling him callous - oh no.
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Oh, you mean the Jade Goody thread which troutie brought back up again from dormancy? Nice job of stirring the pot there.
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SteveK really is a fool!
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Ronnie Rowlands
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wells wrote:SteveK really is a fool!
Don't say that about him. He's a moderator on another forum you know. That's right. He moderates another forum.
Ronnie is victorious, vivacious in victory like a venomous dog. Vile Republicans cease living while the religious retort with rueful rhetoric. These rank thugs resort to violence and swear revenge.

But Ronnie can punch through steel so they lose anyway.
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Gavin Scott
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As the risk of being accused of picking a fight on TVF, can I just "urgh" over here about this?
Brekkie wrote:Anyone seen the ads for OK! tonight? I think whatever your stance on this story (and it's the story, not the victim, I have the issue with), it's pretty despicable to release a tribute issue before she's even died with phrases such as "In Loving Memory", "1981-2009" and "Final Words".
Excuse me??
Brekkie wrote:once the wedding is out of the way the attention will turn to when she dies. And knowing Jade she'll wait until BB is on air, putting them in a rather awkward position
Brekkie wrote:Absolutely ridiculous (though not surprising) that this it the top story on Sky News today, especially when they can't actually show any footage linked to it due to them selling their souls to OK.
Brekkie wrote:What it is really doing is highlighting the culture of celebrity and the difference between the traditional mega stars, who'd handle such matters in private and with dignity, and the tabloid media whore, who sells their illness to the highest bidder.
If he really must post every passing thought, then he might at least remember who he's having a go at and why.

Obviously he's happy to make his points endlessly, but when challenged he ignores, accuses of bullying and croneyism, or out and out lies about what he's said.

Have you noticed his "Is six times a day too much for you?" signature?

Its not six posts a day, dear - if only that's all it was.

Its SIX TIMES the post count of the next most prolific poster you twit.