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The Obsession with Firearms

Posted: Sun 23 May, 2004 06.13
by MrTomServo
So, as was mentioned in my weekend schedule, I watched Bowling for Columbine tonight on DVD. I can't think of a movie where I've been more angry and sad after seeing it. It boggles the mind at how stupid Americans are, and it makes me so sad to be an American. It's inexpressably disgusting.

I thought at one point during the movie about my trip. The night I flew into London, I remember walking to my hotel from the tube station at around 20.30 or so, (it was dark, at least) and just not feeling threatened or afraid at all. Granted, I was walking through Bloomsbury, which isn't a horrible part of town, but here I was, in Europe's largest city, and I felt completely at ease. There are some parts of Los Angeles where I don't even stop to get gasoline.

The film speaks a lot about the culture of fear that the media has built around gun violence, and the sort of drama that it creates. As someone who loathes firearms of any sort (and I've never so much as touched one, water pistols notwithstanding) it's shocking to realise that people, in their everyday decision-making process, seem to arrive at gun violence so quickly as a way to solve their problems. It's mind-blowing (pardon the pun) to think that Britain had 60-something gun deaths last year, but the US had 11,000. Per capita, that's a factor of 30 times more prevalent here.

The one thing that made me think the most was the short clip of comedian Chris Rock saying something to the effect of "Instead of gun control, let's have bullet control. Make a bullet cost $5000." If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

If you think about it.

If you think in the first place.


Posted: Mon 24 May, 2004 00.10
by Ed Hammond
Too right. It really does beggar belief. Still, you're stymied by having a right to bear arms in your Constitution, and therefore a hell of a lot of political will is needed to alter that, which unfortunately under the present administration would probably be rather hard to come by.

Even in the UK, of course, gun crime is on the increase - by its very nature it's very difficult to control.