Waters for life?

mr smuf
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Having significantly cut down my caffeine intake, I seem to have gained more energy. I had to try something because quite frankly I was starting to feel sluggish through the day. I put this down to not being able to get a good nights sleep and waking up frequently.

Now I needed somthing to replace all that caffeine with... so I turned to water. I have never really been a water person but I forced myself to replace the coffee and Pepsi with bottled mineral water. Seems to be helping a lot. Not only do I have more energy, I actually feel better. OK, I went through the caffeine withdrawal symtoms for a few weeks, but it was worth it. And now my taste buds are slowly adjusting to the taste of water and it's not as bad as I once thought. My next thought is to simply drink tap water because it is supposed to be better for you than bottled water(apparently), and it's free.

When I think how my body must have been so much toxicated with caffeine though. I actually tried a cup of coffee yesterday for the first time in 4 weeks, and I didn't get the usual craven I used to get. I don't know if it's just me, but Nescafe just doesn't seem to be the same these days?
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I've had a particularly busy weekend, and last night did not get back from seeing a friends band play in London until after 1am. The fact I had been rather active shall we say, rendering me exhausted, meant I have not been overly energetic today, waking up at 7am.

I also did a terrible thing. I turned straight to the cans of Coke - and must have had at least five cans and countless chocie bars today. So needless to say I feel shattered, yet unable to sleep, so a bit of a bloody stupid idea really.

Although normally I drink lots of water, and only water, I thought an increased caffeine intake today would help. How wrong was I!

have you tried decaff?
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mr smuf wrote: My next thought is to simply drink tap water because it is supposed to be better for you than bottled water(apparently), and it's free.

When I think how my body must have been so much toxicated with caffeine though. I actually tried a cup of coffee yesterday for the first time in 4 weeks, and I didn't get the usual craven I used to get. I don't know if it's just me, but Nescafe just doesn't seem to be the same these days?
Yes. My brother is Something Big in water and he wouldn't touch bottled. Why do you think tap water is filtered? They know what they're at.

Erm...the usual craven? A random association of ideas to the former Craven Dairies? A longing for Skipton? A former life as a coward?

Forgive - couldn't resist.
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I've been off soda pop for about 18 months now, and I'd been off coffee for about five years. I was going on about three cans a day on average ... over about a month after I quit, I dropped about a half stone. I drink much more water at work now ... they say drinking eight glasses of water a day has all sorts of benefits like kidney health and cancer prevention.

Of course, I still have my tea in the mornings ... it's not as if I'm not getting my daily dose of caffeine. I think more than anything it's cutting out all the sugar.

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I've stopped drinking fizzy now, drinking water is a lot better than drinking sugary substances...
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*sits at work station with can of Dr Pepper*

The odd fizzy drink once in a while has to be ok, surely ;)
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I'm currently on a diet. I need to lose weight (I'm 14 stone for Christs sake). I haven't had a fizzy drink since March.
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Whatever you do don't drink Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi

Because there is a chemical in it the cause brain damage (tumor):shock:
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You don't read the Daily Mail by any chance, do you?

rts wrote:You don't read the Daily Mail by any chance, do you?
No! Its the truth they tested it on Rats and they developed brain tumor.!
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