Your 'thing'

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What is your 'thing'? (Any innuendo and you're out).

I'm talking about relaxing. What do you do?

Everyone seems to have different ways of calming themselves down.

I do one of three:

Walk long distances in the rain at night.

'defluff' (complex)


Unfortunately, none of these seem to be working particularly well at the moment, so I'm wondering what suggestions the esteemed members of M247 might put forward in the domain of 'how to relax'.

First one to reply gets to see my willy.
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Going on a long, aimless drive up the motorway. Uses a lot of fuel which I can't really afford, but always does the trick.
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I normally play the keyboard, take a hot bath, or sit out on the top of my garage looking at the clouds pass by over head
Cheese Head
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A wind down solution? Most people would say a stiff drink, and I'd agree with them.

I usually shower then just lie down watching some pointless TV show, that always makes me feel drowsy and calm.
» James »
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I head for the coast... gazing out to sea, then go for a long drive, normally I'l try and go in a big loop rather than doubling back on myself.

Else I'll just go and lie on my bed, and normally end up sleeping for 2 or 3 hours.

Getting drunk when your wound up isn't such a good idea in my experience. I have the best nights out when I go out in a good mood.
Cheese Head
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I didnt mean get rat arsed, just a (the singular) stiff drink.
» James »
I don't know my future after this weekend, and I don't want to
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I'm told having a wank can help.
I say it only because I'm good looking...
Ed Hammond
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Well, sometimes that can piss you off as well, for one reason or another. And there are only so many times you can do it in a twenty-four hour period.

Sometimes I've been known to just get on the Tube and aimlessly travel about. I tend to find myself in Docklands quite often, curiously.
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:arrow: Not getting drunk, but a wee glass of scotch infront of a good telly programme is always good
:arrow: Music almost always helps, be it calming or of the loude variety.
:arrow: A bath with the key ingredient: lavinder/tee-tree oil drops
:arrow: Cry
:arrow: Nice long walk
:arrow: A bitch with your mates
:arrow: A hug
:arrow: A combination of the above

Depends on the situation really.
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Snu wrote:I'm told having a wank can help.
I'm told getting someone to do it for you is better. Who wants a hand?
Big Brother
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Music is for me too, however there is one condition that it doesn't work - and that's if it's like today and it's bloody roasting. My room is dark and horrid when it's sunny because of the position of my house. So Today I put batteries in my MP3 player - downloaded a load of new songs to it. Got the older of my two dogs and went for a huge 2/3 mile walk with it. Was fab. Nice quietish park, sunny day. just bra'
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