Aggressive charity ads

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Now hold the phones, I thought when it came to barometers of being right and wrong the buck stopped with me!

Oh, and ronnie stop calling chie a twat, and chie, stop being a twat.
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Nick Harvey wrote:
Sput wrote:To the people who think we shouldn't give overseas aid. I just wonder: Do you think we can't afford it, or that we just shouldn't bother?
A little of the former, more of the latter.

As Lorna said, charity begins at home.

I certainly strongly disagree that the international aid budget should be one of the ones exempt from cuts. That seems to me to be total stupidity in these hard economic times.
Nick answers that qustion better than i could in one sentence.

As for the Heroes. While our service men have ruined many civillians lives during conflict and many are still busy beavering away helping to rebuild these countries to help give them a better life. I don't object to money being invested there to help those civillians aswell as our soldiers.

I never ever give the homeless money. I just give them a couple of cigarettes or a kfc, sandwich or a mug of tea. Depends how flush and generous i'm feeling.
Don't see many big isuue sellers round here, see the watchtower guy quite regularly though, but that's not charity that's wandering into dangerous religious territory. Save that for another thread. :)
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all new Phil wrote:I think that a common problem, not just here but elsewhere in life, is that those with the points of view most commonly associated with the 'left' of the political spectrum - your Green Party, and more extreme Labour Party supporters - are those who have the monopoly on opinion. Those who oppose these views, on issues such as charity, and also things like the environment and immigration, tend to face a barrage of abuse, purely for the perfectly valid viewpoints that they have.

Not that I particularly want to be sticking up for Chie here, but I think some posters here could do with accepting that all beliefs are valid, and no one person's opinions are a definitive set of what is correct. I completely accept Gavin's point about 'extreme' views, but at the same time on things such as immigration and foreign aid, it is perfectly acceptable to have views either way. I just wish people would remember that.
I have just read the last few pages while i agree with you on accepting other peoples opinions. I can usually see all sides of an arguement. It's the way in which you express those opinions which makes all the difference between a debate and playground politics.
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