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So what was said?
bilky asko
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Jovis wrote: Thu 20 Dec, 2018 18.29 So what was said?
rob on Television Forum wrote:Would you complain if the panel were made up of four Brexiteers? In any case, you have no idea how Tom Newton Dunn voted. I’ve been in conversation with the Executive Producer of the programme, and he’s taken great care to ensure that the discussion is editorially balanced, including discussions with Sky’s in-house lawyer, but he suspects that certain people wouldn’t be happy no matter the make-up of the panel.
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bilky asko wrote: Thu 20 Dec, 2018 19.08
Jovis wrote: Thu 20 Dec, 2018 18.29 So what was said?
rob on Television Forum wrote:Would you complain if the panel were made up of four Brexiteers? In any case, you have no idea how Tom Newton Dunn voted. I’ve been in conversation with the Executive Producer of the programme, and he’s taken great care to ensure that the discussion is editorially balanced, including discussions with Sky’s in-house lawyer, but he suspects that certain people wouldn’t be happy no matter the make-up of the panel.
Nice to see Skygeek still cropping up despite the fact he hates TVF SO much... Not entirely sure why things he produces deserve special promotion - it's the kind of thing you expect this time of year from News Channels in general and would certainly be odd if someone started posting with the listings for the BBC News Channel's review programmes!
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bilky asko wrote: Thu 20 Dec, 2018 19.08
Jovis wrote: Thu 20 Dec, 2018 18.29 So what was said?
rob on Television Forum wrote:Would you complain if the panel were made up of four Brexiteers? In any case, you have no idea how Tom Newton Dunn voted. I’ve been in conversation with the Executive Producer of the programme, and he’s taken great care to ensure that the discussion is editorially balanced, including discussions with Sky’s in-house lawyer, but he suspects that certain people wouldn’t be happy no matter the make-up of the panel.
Quelle surprise.
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Juicy. Thanks.
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Was anyone witness to the bizarre turn of events last night?

A new member started a thread on the premise "British TV is dull now compared to the past" - with the past being essentially the early 00s. Whilst the point made initially wasn't too out there or controversial (I think many people agree), their reasons were frankly ridiculous - mainly bemoaning the lack of children's and schools strands on the main channels.

Usually this type of person would get knocked down a peg or two by usual forum banter etc but in this instance it seemed to me to take it one step further than usual.

The main antagonist was Conor98, who seems to have popped up earlier this year and although has contributed some interesting bits and pieces (especially with international pres), he does seem to be getting a bit big for his boots telling that new member to "shut up and live with it" (or similar), being incredibly rude to barcode and stating in the ITV thread "newer members just need to get a grip and get used to change" - he's been on the forum for 4 months so hardly a veteran himself.

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I was. It was bizarre, wasn't it?

These days I just tend to lurk each day and post every now and then when I've got something to say, but I couldn't help myself last night. The way Conor98 spoke to everyone was terrible and completely unprovoked. Like you say, BBCTelevision's thread/post wasn't particularly controversial, even if the content was a little off. But the way Conor98 took off on him/her was insane! Ever since I gave up being a mod there about 10 years ago, I try to avoid getting involved in such things as I don't want to be that annoying type who can't let go of a role he once held! But there didn't appear to be any mods kicking about at that time last night, so I tried my best to calm it down.

Like you say, the irony is that if he'd just left the thread alone, it would have died naturally anyway. There had already been the usual banter-type posts that such newbies get and that would probably have been that. But Conor98 took it to a whole new level. I do find it quite ironic that he's only been here a matter of months but thinks that the "newer members" need to get a grip. What the heck does that mean for old timers like us?!

The other amusing trait of Conor98's is ending his tirades with "kiddo".

Never a dull moment on TVF, eh, kiddo?!
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What I didn't mention was the even more bizarre PM I got from Conor98 entitled "BBCTelevision is insane" which read:
I need your help since you're like the only one I can trust.
BBCTelevision is going insane at me because he wants some stupid apology.
But guess what? He doesn't deserve one because of his childish demeanor and that he thinks he can get his own way.
He doesn't care about listening to others and he's constantly asking me for apologies.
Help me please...
I'm not sure if there's some more underlying problem here (wouldn't be a first in TVF history) but he got a short and sharp response to that, considering I had RTP'd 3 of his posts but only 1 of BBCTelevsion's...

I also think the mods took a misstep in dealing with this, banning the new member and only warning Conor. Whilst the initial post was on the tedious side I'm not sure it was really ban-worthy and anything that was in any way out of line was just in response to Conor's utter rudeness.
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I think this is something that differs from forum to forum, but I'm not a fan of when stuff like this happens and it's swept under the rug and deleted. Locking the thread with an explanation of why the behaviour of certain members was inappropriate is surely better so new members can learn from it. But perhaps deep down I just want to have a nose at what went on (although I did witness most of this particular incident).
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I agree, I was surprised with how this incident was dealt with. I didn't think it was terribly fair that BBCTelevision got banned. Like you say, James, his/her initial post was pretty inoffensive and anything else was in reply to Conor98's unprovoked attack. Conor98 should definitely have been banned, in my opinion.

And I also agree with Philip that it's better to keep these things visible (within reason, of course) so that the course of action taken is quite clear. Deleting all the evidence wouldn't be my first choice.
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It seems Conor98 has now been banned but someone called Conor15 has started posting both with the same regions listed. All very odd.