Scottish independence

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A post-debate increase for the Yes campaign.

Published Fri 29th Aug, undertaken 26th-28th Aug:
Survation - Yes 42%, No 48%, Don't know 11%. Sample: 1,001.
Excluding Don't knows - Yes 47%, No 53%.
Commissioned by Scottish Daily Mail. More info.

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Published Tues 2nd Sept, undertaken 28th Aug - 1st Sept (tbc):
YouGov - Yes 42%, No 48%, Don't know 10%. Sample: tbc
Excluding Don't knows - Yes 47%, No 53%.
Commissioned by The Scottish Sun/The Times.

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Even with those results, the Yes side still need to convince 80% of the "Don't know"s to vote for them to win, that does seem too high to really be likely.

Had to laugh during the BBC debate earlier, when one of the "undecided"s admitted he'd already voted Yes by post! Hardly undecided then...
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The same poll did however show that Don't Know's were likely to fall to Yes by 2:1, rather than 1:1 like I expected (though I don't know why I expected that).
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Even with 2/3rds of Don't Knows voting Yes, it would still give No around a 3 point victory. Obviously though, these are just the 2 most recent opinion polls, there's still more polls to come over the next 2 weeks that could be entirely different and of course the vote itself that may well not be reflective of the polls at all.
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I agree. The No side had a bad week last week as the BBC debate went badly for them so this may still be reflected in these polls given the fieldwork dates. Whilst that effect may wane slightly, it would seem the onus is on the No side to get back to putting their case over as the SNP (sorry, Yes side) are a very slick campaigning machine.

There are doubts as to whether a so-called 'missing million' group of unregistered and disenfranchised voters really exists, but the Yes side have been saying that they've been working hard to get these people to sign up (esp in poorer, traditional Labour areas) as these people are more likely to vote for change. This work will have to end today due to voter registration losing at midnight, so it will all be solid campaigning and 'get the vote out' drives from here on in.
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One of the things that does worry me is what state all this could leave the country in, whatever the result it- you only have to look at the amount of anger and resentment that's been stirred up from both sides, and that's not going to go away easily just because the referendum's over and done with.

I've got a friend in Dundee, and last week he was caught in the middle of the Jim Murphy incident there, which he said was scary, and he says he's worried about losing friends and falling out with colleagues- who he's already had tensions with over his decision to vote No. Last week he put a picture on an art site showing his support for the union, and a nat tweeting a link to it telling other nats to gang up on him. He's worried about how divided the country could end up afterwards, whatever the final result.

I myself last week, in standing up for said friend on twitter was told to "keep my nose out of it" due to not living in Scotland, even though the person who told me that is an avid follower of Wings Over Scotland, so I'd like to know why he's happy to listen to him, but thinks I shouldn't have an opinion when the fake Rev of Bath has as much of a vote in the referendum as I do. In my opinion, everyone's due an opinion, Yes or No, Scottish or not. If the Rev of Bath is allowed to preach to his avid choir of cybernats from Somerset, I should be allowed to express a view as well!
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I'm sick of the whole bloody thing. It's just horrible. It really is.
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Pete wrote:I'm sick of the whole bloody thing. It's just horrible. It really is.
Agree again. Thankfully tonight's STV debate of a Yes team versus No team is much better. I wish the Darling-Salmond things never happened.
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Gavin Scott
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Pete wrote:I'm sick of the whole bloody thing. It's just horrible. It really is.
I've seen a few unionists say this recently, and I wouldprobably agree if I felt my preferred choice of status quo was under threat. There's a lot of hyperbole being flung around about the disintegration of society. The likes of Jim (mental) Murphy and one fucking egg has been played longer than a west end musical. I think this has been an energising time for Scotland. Everyone I know is totally engaged in politics. It's causing issues to be discussed that haven't seen the light of day ever.

But the genie isn't ever going to go back in the bottle. No matter the outcome - there is no status quo from here on in.

That's a good thug.
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In my case its not about the status quo being under threat, it is about being sick and tired of hearing about a decision the majority of us in the UK have no say in.

It has turned into an attack on the Conservative and UKIP parties (both of which I hate as much as the Scots seem to). I want the decision to be made ASAP so then we can move on.

I also think the rest of the UK should be given a say as to how the future relationship between an independent Scotland will be formed. We should not be left at the whim of Alex Salmond's demands.

I have no problem with the principle of Scotland becoming independent - I just hope the decision is not made purely because of the views about one political party which may or may not form a government.

Also if Scotland decides to vote in favour of remaining in the UK, I hope Alex Salmond fades into obscurity so I never have to hear his angry, anti-English, anti-Tory rhetoric, ever again!
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