The BIG MetroPoll - IN or OUT ?

Are you IN or OUT ?

Total votes: 45
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Petition up to 1.1 million already, once it hits 1.6 million that's 10% of "remain" voters- won't be suprised if it doesn't hit 2 million later today. Not that I think it will make any difference, but interesting to see it getting so high- it's already the most signed government petition ever, by a significant margin!

The people that voted Leave "as a protest" or didn't turn out cos they thought it would never happen only have themselves to blame. There's probably more than enough of them to have swung the result.
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dosxuk wrote:
robschneider wrote:I'm going to do it. I'm going to drag Eurovision into this.

Every May, what line are we sold when, say, it's suggested we might have a good chance of doing well at Eurovision?

"Don't be stupid. Europe hates us."

That may be true. I think it's a combination of that and the BBC not fielding stronger entries personally, but that's the line every Joe Average comes out with, every single May.

"I don't know why we bother because they all hate us."

Now with a couple of exceptions post-2000, for whatever reason our run of form at the ESC has been fucking dire. In my opinion sometimes we've deserved a poor finish, sometimes we've not. That's an artistic thing and thus down to whether each song was considered "good" or "bad" in an individual's mind.

What I'm bothered about is that refrain you hear, every May: "Europe hates us."

I'm not saying people cast their votes based on our form at Eurovision (well, I certainly hope not) - but if that's their belief, that "Europe hates the UK" - can you blame so many people for voting Leave?
Every time someone says things like this to me, I ask them"If you didn't know what country sung each song and you could vote for anyone, would you pick ours as the best". And almost without exception the answer is no.

Europe doesn't hate us. We're just not very good at sending winning songs.
I know that, you know that. But there are people who say, every year, "Europe hates us so we will never win." They've gone to the polls with that mentality.
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I already made a badly-incorrect prediction in this thread early on Thursday night, but my opinion is that the result will have to stand. I can't see a second referendum happening. I can't see any serious politician arguing for that, and even the present leader of the Opposition does not seem particularly disappointed with the result.

As for putting off the commencement of the exit process for a number of years, fat chance of that either. The EU wants it to happen quickly, and I doubt they will want to negotiate any other form of new membership deal that could be voted on. I suspect they think they've spent long enough pandering to UK politics in recent months.

If Boris becomes PM, it'll be based on the support of local Conservative associations who will be keen for us to get out quickly, and if he drags his heels, he'll also have Farage and his band of idiots screaming daily about it (although thankfully excluded from the process).

I don't want to turn this thread into one about Scotland, but I'm already reflecting on how I would vote in a second Scottish referendum. I was firmly No last time but the politics of the UK has just diverged even further over the last few days. A Boris-run UK Government will seem alien to so many here. Even Ruth Davidson hates him.
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At least you'll get a choice. Some of us will be stuck with whatever happens.
Martin Phillp
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scottishtv wrote:A Boris-run UK Government will seem alien to so many here.
A Boris-run UK government will seem alien to 48% of voters who didn't want Pandora's box being opened in the first place.

On the slightly positive side, Boris can be considered a liberal-Conservative by their standards. He supported same-sex marriage as Mayor of London.
TVF's London Lite.
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If only Labour had a Prime Minister-in-waiting.

Before I get too carried away, plenty of Scots still voted Leave despite the campaign having almost zero visibility on the ground here, so it'll be interesting to see what the opinion polls show after this result. We'll still all be "in it together" for a while.
Martin Phillp
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Scottish Labour Leader Kezia Dugdale is considering "all options."
TVF's London Lite.
bilky asko
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WillPS wrote:I think a second referendum, possibly at the beginning of an Article 50 declaration (itself probably years away) is what will happen though.
If that happens I will eat Paddy Ashdown's hat.
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scottishtv wrote: Before I get too carried away, plenty of Scots still voted Leave despite the campaign having almost zero visibility on the ground here, so it'll be interesting to see what the opinion polls show after this result. We'll still all be "in it together" for a while.
Since the turnout is lower then Scot ref and Westminster elections at least 40% just dont care. And anyways this is what SHE wanted, and she told all her followers to vote remain to get that sceond REF vote. Some points to note Edinburgh had one of the highest remain votes, it also has one of the highest remain votes for the Scots Ref and also has Unionist MP and MSPS...

I dont think its clear cut as the SNP wants to make it out. SO the big Question in Scotland Do you want to be controlled by London or Brussels? :evil:
Martin Phillp wrote:Scottish Labour Leader Kezia Dugdale is considering "all options."
She has none :lol:
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I wish Sky News would put online a report I watched earlier which was like watching a satire of both sides:

Hipster girl in Hackney cafe reacts: "I'm ashamed of this result. I don't understand why people would want to leave, and I'm highly educated."

Followed up by a guy in a Harlow cafe saying: "We're governed by that unelected European Parliament", with his wife adding, "Maybe things will be worse, but it'll be nice to be England again."

Today also saw former minister and unelected Lord, Baron Lord Digby Jones, complaining about "the establishment elites" on BBC Breakfast.

I think I need to unplug my TV and internet for a while...
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