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Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 07.45
by Pete
I had an issue with my brand new self build and my Microsoft wireless keyboard. Suffice to say, once they replaced it with the more expensive model (which also just happened to have PS/2 ports by default instead of USB) it suddenly started working properly. How odd.

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 09.50
by Neil Jones
Chris wrote:It looks like they've phased out all of what we would call 'legacy' ports - but the truth is that the legacy ports IMO are much better than all USB, especially when it comes to mice/keyboards - USB stuff has a strange way of fucking up and behaving oddly and/or not being detected by the BIOS/OS before you've installed drivers - a pain in the arse, and more trouble than it's worth. The back of that PC looks so bare, it's unbelievable, and the upgrade options are very limited, like you say.
The other things to think about as well are the non-standard size PSU (you can see it in the photo above), the fact that its non-standard wiring and also that the board is totally unique to Dell, which means once the board packs up, you can't reuse the case for something else because of the PSU wiring. And because the PSU isn't a standard size dimension-wise, you can't replace it. So you're stuck having to fork out a lot of money once again just because the Dell was originally a bargain.
Chris wrote:What about other brands? Do they use such methods?
Most other branded computers are usually only butchered to the degree of the front panel connectors which are not always transferable to a new board. There are exceptions to this rule however, the size and wattage of the PSU is usually the non-standard item.

Time and Tiny used to use those really thin PSUs in their cases which only had an output wattage that was literally enough to run what it came with and nothing else. But as the parent company's now gone under, a lot of people are finding that their system is useless when it dies as its impossible to find a new PSU for it.

Compaq and HP are very good at non-standard components, as well as adding lots of pre-installed junk to their computers which nobody wants. Every Compaq or HP computer I've seen never runs at a decent speed from the Recovery routine, but runs a damn sight faster if you use an actual Windows CD. But of course this way means you don't get the preinstalled software.

Who else? eMachines. Pieces of underrpowered garbage with no AGP slots, motherboards with drivers that are literally impossible to find and are just painfully cheap and cheerful. Mind you they're part of PC World's empire which says it all, really.

Computer Manufacturers

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 11.54
by Tidus
Hello everyone!

I'm new here! I'm Tidus, i'm Senior Executive of KJC, and i'm here to offer huddsguy a bit of professional advice.

First, the computer manufacturers i reccommend are:

Tiny (although defunct now, they were a great company, i was sad to see them go, they were one of the best 100% standard computer companies going)






Alienware (although i would now avoid them, they've recently been taken over by Dell)

Some of these manufacturers use proprietary parts, which are not as bad as Dell.

Dell have Intel custom make motherboards for them, they have done since September 1998. The PSU ATX 20 pin sockets are the same, but the wiring ISN'T, The voltages are different to the pins on a standard PSU.

As Neil said earlier, the Dimension 3100 has f*** all by way of ports, talk about skimpy! All other manufacturers have the full set of I/O ports on their machines!

Advent are pretty good, although their laptops are a bit crashy, they have frequent BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) moments, and they have hardly any I/O ports on the back of them.

I too would go the custom build route, i have done for ages, i built my current P4 desktop, my wife's Dual Core AMD system, and our home DNS network Server, it often ends up cheaper, you know what parts you have, and you don't need to go crying to shitty companies like Dell for proprietary parts, who then charge you through the nose for shipping them to you.

Some manufacturers use proprietary connectors for the front panel wiring, which are easily standardised, we do it as a service to customers.

As Neil said, "Oh yeah, don't buy a computer from PC World either." DON'T! They don't give a crap about customers, they charge loads for Servicecalls, and the systems are bog standard shite at high prices, i used to work for them as a system technician!

Dell's customer support helpdesk is run by a load of schookids too, they don't have a clue, and pass you from rep to rep!

Anyway guys, i hope i've helped with my little contribution!

Visit our site at Our site is always up during the day, but not at night, it's a company server!

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 12.05
by Tidus
Advents are a Dixons (i.e. PC World) brand...
No they're not! Most Advent laptops, as well as some Tiny A series laptops, like my Tiny A440 are made by FIC, they are then rebranded with a manufacturers logo, i should know, we service em!

I need you guys to help me out here. Myself, our staff, and DJGM, Greg, he's my best bud and website designer, are thinking of starting a petition to make it illegal for a computer company to use non-standard parts, and also to use proprietary parts without telling customers, because with my experience with Dell, and all my upset customers, i think it's downright evil, and they should be forced back into the standard component IT industry.

If you want to join us, great!! I appreciate your help!

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 19.29
by huddsguy
Thanks for all your thoughts and comments - really useful.

Am a bit wary of building myself, am sure I've got myself into the thinking that one false move and you fry all the parts in a computer whereas presumably that's not quite true!?

It's a basic workhorse machine I'm after - bit of sound editing (but nothing too intensive), using office, e-mails, internet, basic graphics editing.

Something stable, quick, etc...

Has anyone had good experiences with the online stores? If so, which ones?

Sorry so many questions! Appreciate your thoughts.

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 20.38
by Gavin Scott
I've *almost* managed to put in place all the components to build a new pc. I was talking about this here a few weeks ago, but typically only just got my shit together and ordered the appropriate parts.

I'll echo what was said about Dell. Although I love the build quality of their machines (and their robustness as little workhorses), the parts are horribly, unneccessarily different in size and connection to every other brand.

The only thing I have managed to retreive from a Dell is the P4 chip. Even the fan which attached to it wont fit the new motherboard I have.

I ordered a power supply, RAM and fan from eBuyer today and paid the premium for delivery tomorrow.

If you can hang-fire for 24 hours huddsguy I'll tell you whether it is possible to do it without permanently damaging something!

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 22.04
by huddsguy
Gavin Scott wrote: If you can hang-fire for 24 hours huddsguy I'll tell you whether it is possible to do it without permanently damaging something!
Good luck sir!

Look forward to hearing how it goes... try not to permanently damage yourself!

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 22.07
by Sput
It's not like the old days! I used to get many a slashed finger from shoddy cheap cases. These days they file the metal!

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 23.08
by Tidus
Sput wrote:It's not like the old days! I used to get many a slashed finger from shoddy cheap cases. These days they file the metal!
They don't file them, they actually bend the lips of the metal slightly to stop any sharpness, i'm a chassis engineer, and have seriously hurt myself before on old cases!

Just goes to prove that some cases are cheap!

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 23.15
by Sput
Depends where you look, i've noticed the metal covering virgin drive bays tends to be a lot less rough round the edges than it used to, and indeed thinner.

Oh yes, and as for your petition to stop computer companies using non-standard components - that might harm Apple :)

I thought you were chief executive too?

Posted: Mon 08 May, 2006 23.21
by Tidus
Nah, at least Apple are honest about thier proprietary parts. I meant against Dell!

I like Apples, my wife Kasumi uses them, and gives me lectures on the advantages of Mac over Windows! And i'm thinkin of takin her up on it, if Micro$haft carry on!

Sput, i used to be CEO, but my wife's friend Rikku used tio me co-manager, i decided to look after my wife, we went through some bad times, so i became Senior Executive, like Bill Gates, he just watches Microsoft grow, while Steve Ballmer is CEO.

So now Rikku runs our Stretford depot, and i can loook after my family, while still bieng involved with the company and she does a good job! Visit our site for more info, i'd be here all day!