Crazy mo-fo laws

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Still enjoying the lovely sunny America. Took a few days out from family in LA to visit Vegas, Grand Canyon (where I bumped into some friends from home which was odd...) and Bryce Canyon.

This has also taken me through three extra states.

Now I knew some were known for their, erm, interesting laws, but was quite interested that (pending being over 21), you could only drink in Utah if you showed an intent to eat.

Do you have to walk near a restaurant rubbing your stomach or something? Hmm...

Glad to be back in California where I can get away with being assumed as 21 without being asked for ID. In Vegas, Nevada when I attempted to get a beer the waitress laughed and said I looked 16 max.

This took me a-back because I'm 19 in a month and everyone always says I look older. But I was looking pretty young and handsome having had my first shave of the holidays...

Anyway, back on track, what odd laws have you encountered, not necessarally in the US of A.
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Not sure which state but I remember its somewhere in the US…

It is illegal to eat more than three sandwiches at someone’s wake. Odd but true, there is a website with a huge list of "stupid laws" I believe but the url escapes me.
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rts wrote:Glad to be back in California where I can get away with being assumed as 21 without being asked for ID. In Vegas, Nevada when I attempted to get a beer the waitress laughed and said I looked 16 max.
Ah, America, the land of rules and regulations!

Don't take it personally – I'm 28 and last year I was ID'd buying cigarettes at a petrol station in Atlanta, Georgia and when at a branch of TGI Friday in Orlando, Florida they wouldn't serve us a cocktail with the meal because we'd left our passports in the hotel. My girlfriend at the time was 30 and looked even older. They said it was company policy to ID "anyone who looks under 40".

The worst experience I had was the interrogation by US Immigration when I went to Atlanta. I was searched and had to justify nearly everything I had in my possession, including "what is this bottle of whisky for" and "how do you expect to manage for a week with only $200" – even though they could see I had a credit card as well.
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When you get into Utah, since it's a "dry" state, drinking laws are very complicated and strange. Basically, the Mormons don't want you drinking at all, so they're making it as hard as possible to do so.

I think one of the stranger ones was a traffic law when I lived in Seattle. If you were in a collision, the person behind is automatically "at fault". So, if you back into someone whilst parking, that parked car you backed into is "at fault". Funny, that one.

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nodnirG kraM wrote:
MrTomServo wrote:I think one of the stranger ones was a traffic law when I lived in Seattle. If you were in a collision, the person behind is automatically "at fault". So, if you back into someone whilst parking, that parked car you backed into is "at fault". Funny, that one.
So if you were to reverse your car down a road on the wrong side of the carriageway and hit someone, as they were technically "behind" you, would they be to blame .... for getting in your way?
That's right. Now watch this drive.

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nodnirG kraM wrote:
MrTomServo wrote:I think one of the stranger ones was a traffic law when I lived in Seattle. If you were in a collision, the person behind is automatically "at fault". So, if you back into someone whilst parking, that parked car you backed into is "at fault". Funny, that one.
So if you were to reverse your car down a road on the wrong side of the carriageway and hit someone, as they were technically "behind" you, would they be to blame .... for getting in your way?
Well, sort of. Obviously if there were witnesses verifying you reversed into the car behind you, then it would be a whole different 3.99 Valu-pack of bananas, but I believe that it is more that there is simply too much evidence meaning for the car behind to have crashed into the one in front.


BTW... What is the dfiference between the United States of America, and just America?
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cdd wrote:BTW... What is the dfiference between the United States of America, and just America?
In theory "America" refers to the whole continent of just that, America. However, many people use the word to describe the country which is "United States of America".

Within America, South America covers those southern countries, Central America is technically part of South America.

North America is basically the US of A and Canada.
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