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Charlie Wells wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 13.12 I was tempted to post the following reply, which I probably stole from someone here years ago...

I didn't post it there as I knew at the very least it would understandably get removed. Think toys and pram spring to mind. Whilst I don't always agree with every decision they make I still accept those decisions (sometimes more reluctantly than others).
Charlie, as funny as that picture is, no one is throwing their toys out of the pram. I just think the forum
Is HORRIBLY run and don’t see why you all choose to brown nose such awful people. If only more people knew how badly Rob was treated, I think they’d be less happy to shore up Clean Feed’s ego trip.
Martin Phillp
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The fact the drama has moved to Metropol rather than over there shows they're doing their job.
TVF's London Lite.
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Martin Phillp wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 14.35 The fact the drama has moved to Metropol rather than over there shows they're doing their job.
Martin, if your head was any further up Admin’s arse you’d come out of his mouth. At least I’m entertaining.
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KatsKaravan wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 14.44
Martin Phillp wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 14.35 The fact the drama has moved to Metropol rather than over there shows they're doing their job.
Martin, if your head was any further up Admin’s arse you’d come out of his mouth. At least I’m entertaining.
You are Solari / Kojak / Studio7 and I claim my five pounds.
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It's amusing someone declaring they don't care about how a forum is run then gets into a rant about being banned from said forum.
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dosxuk wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 15.21
KatsKaravan wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 14.44
Martin Phillp wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 14.35 The fact the drama has moved to Metropol rather than over there shows they're doing their job.
Martin, if your head was any further up Admin’s arse you’d come out of his mouth. At least I’m entertaining.
You are Solari / Kojak / Studio7 and I claim my five pounds.
😍 how did you work that one out?
Jonwo wrote: Thu 14 Sep, 2023 15.35 It's amusing someone declaring they don't care about how a forum is run then gets into a rant about being banned from said forum.
Where did I ever say I didn’t care how the forum was run? I do care, otherwise I wouldn’t have written that rant. I know you are all vociferous defenders of the status quo but try to look at the bigger picture. Rob was never this nasty towards other members, nor was Asa. The person who runs pres cafe has sucked the life out of what was once a fun space to talk about TV.

Look, I know I haven’t been the nicest person on here, and I’d like to apologise to everyone I’ve upset in the process. However I stand by what I said about the moderation on Pres Cafe being WAY over the top.
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And another thing: I’m sorry, but forcing members you don’t like into INDEFINITE ‘moderation’ (I.e. forcing our posts to be held for review by Admin or one of his lackeys before publication) is NOT how you run a forum. By all means do what you need to do to keep order - but this INDEFINITE moderation causes MORE problems than it solves. It reeks of a power trip. Would Rob or Asa have done this? No. Why? Because they were decent people.
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Honestly go for a walk
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Joe wrote: Fri 15 Sep, 2023 00.00 Honestly go for a walk
Joe, what is your problem? You’re a complete narky arse and the love in between you and all new Phil is sickening.

In fact this whole clique (and that is what it is - a CLIQUE) is ridiculous. You all close ranks when one of you is criticised, you all lick each other’s backsides and you all have the same opinions, BRUTALLY mocking and belittling anyone who dares hold a different view. I know I’m an arsehole but at least I have the decency to admit that. You people really think you’re better than everyone else because you understand sarcasm, but you’re really not.
Martin Phillp
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Everything is a conspiracy these days. I don't go around PM'ing Jon or Phil conspiring to make your life hell on the forum.

If anything, the moderation of the GB News thread has taken the sting out of the tail of the more politically biased discussion from both sides and is leaning towards pres discussion. If someone says they like the Breakfast show for example, it's still on topic.

Posting on a forum is not a right, it's no different if you're invited to someone's house and they ask you to take your shoes off, so not to ruin the carpet, most people will do it out of courtesy for the householder, even if they disagree with it.
TVF's London Lite.
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Martin Phillp wrote: Fri 15 Sep, 2023 16.59 Everything is a conspiracy these days. I don't go around PM'ing Jon or Phil conspiring to make your life hell on the forum.

If anything, the moderation of the GB News thread has taken the sting out of the tail of the more politically biased discussion from both sides and is leaning towards pres discussion. If someone says they like the Breakfast show for example, it's still on topic.

Posting on a forum is not a right, it's no different if you're invited to someone's house and they ask you to take your shoes off, so not to ruin the carpet, most people will do it out of courtesy for the householder, even if they disagree with it.
Lick lick fawn fawn, oh Martin you’re such a natural at this. We’re not all as narrow minded as you. Some of us realise that these things exist in a much wider context than just “ooh, the set was red but now it’s blue!”

Look, I know I’ve been a complete dick and I apologise for that. What I don’t apologise for is calling out Pres Cafe and Andrew Nairn for its ridiculous moderation. Why is it that when Nick Harvey used to deride the ‘soderators’ on TV Forum, he was celebrated for it; but when I do so about its successor, I am treated like a heretic?
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