Is facebook on the wane?

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Gavin Scott
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Its still my first destination of the day. I still get cross at twits who slavishly copy and paste nonsense - even the "sensible" examples like the faux copyright waffle and "hover over my name and click no share" stuff.
The ads on the mobile version are so numerous and repetetive I tend to browse the full page version on my iPad - and I hate the devaluation of people I know being associated with brands. I think that will back-fire somewhere along the way.

But I do enjoy it.
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What bores me is the message I get this time every year from the girls. It goes like this. Hello Ladies,
so here is the time of year again when we try to raise awareness for breast cancer through a game. It’s very easy and I would like ALL of you to participate. Two years ago we had to write the color of our underwear on our wall. Men wondered for days at what was going on with random colors on girls’ walls. This year, we make references to your love life status.
Do not answer to this... Blah blah blah..

And pretty much everything else u have already covered.
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I love the "let's raise awareness of something by making totally unrelated statements that aren't explained" strategy! In fact, someone on my Facebook posted the "I'm going to x for y months" the other day. How OLD is that one?
Knight knight
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That is so last year dahling! Anyhoo 5" 10mins, avocado, pink.
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I'm sure those brave soldiers dying from puppy cancer caused by immigrants will be eternally grateful you've just shifted around a couple of electrons in a server farm several thousand miles away across the planet. Makes all the difference, doesn't it?
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And by the power of facebook, I now know its winter.
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What is an "intention avalanche" and what can I do to stop people posting about them on Facebook?
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Latest thing going round: a message from the SAPD warning of a new rape tactic of using crying children to lure you to a house.

Right down the bottom, it mentions Jo'burg and Durban. So the SA stands for South Africa.

Why are my British-based friends sharing this slavishly?

Oh yeah.....just realised.....
Dr Lobster*
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and what is it with people who keep posting those ecards, either with a "don't give a shit" type sentiment or something "inspirational".

you know the ones.... but is it just me, or are none of them vaguely funny or witty?

all those chain letters that appear on facebook make me lose a little bit more faith in humanity.

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Gavin Scott
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Haha, they're brilliantly shite.

I know a female who attempts to curry male favour by pretending she loves Star Wars. Not understanding it fully, she posts all these garbage stormtrooper lego images, or Han Solo and Chewie drawn in the style of Calvin and Hobbes.


Between that and the "I don't give a shit" thing its enough to make me "hide from timeline".
Dr Lobster*
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i have those types of women in my friends list, except:

they ramble on about F1 and football, which of course is beyond boring whether it comes from a bloke or woman, sometimes the status updates are almost like they actually know the personal they are supporting or that they are in fact part of the team itself - it's so insipid and fake it really makes my skin crawl.

of course, we mustn't forget the "i'm having such a great time, i must write about it on facebook" type people who are inextricably liked to the above, but nonetheless a distinct subspecies of idiot along with the "i'm so ill" / "having a shit day" brigade... where having a "shit day" usually amounts to their kid dropping their breakfast on the floor or some other first world problem.
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