Morale = Low


c@t wrote:I don't know, but I will say, Martin, that I am using one your wallpapers on the TV Room as my desktop - slightly modified, I would note.

I am rather impressed by it.

Just thought I'd add that, there, for no obvious reason.
Perhaps you could provide a hi-resolution wallpaper of your own, c@t?
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One would, had one not just tossed his digital camera to DAS.
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Please refrain from connecting me to this whole sordid sex sensation thread - especially with the tossing word. DAS has nothing to do with any of these erect things, fabergé eggs or the like, and no tossing has gone on. The views and smut expressed herein do not represent me. The digital camera can be tossed back should Mr C@t wish to use it - although please clean it before tossing it to me next time.
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Yes, stop it, the lot of you.

I'm going to make pancakes now.
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Why are we talking about tossing this evening? News 24 relaunched sometime ago now, and Sky News wont be changing their graphics till the 17th.

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just be carefull when you come to toss it. Don't want to make a mess do you?
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Thanks all for your kind words - Ison is back in his true form. A day at work seems to have certainly sorted that out! Although the first couple of hours were when I feel slightly ill...I hate it because I think I'm gonna throw up and can't stop thinking about it when it's nothing more than a light headache.

Now, I'll be honest - I have worked out that last night I had a Jack Daniels, 3 vodkas and cokes and at least 5 bottles. Those figures are actually open to change. Far too much to drink, but not where I forget anything or do something completely regrettable. However, despite my post...I really enjoyed last night. I was having a great night out at a quiz with 4 of my best friends and it was the best laugh I've had in a long time.

However a slightly sobering walk home...well its actually my local but I walked a bit of the way home with them for fairness (and so they could see me stagger too...bastards!) and my low morale moment came about when one of my mates asked me when I last had a boyfriend. I realised this was a long time ago...but it went to the back of my mind and when I arrived back I started dwelling on it and it got out of proportion.

As for drinking too much - well my drinking sessions are very much a trial by fire. I'll be true to myself and say that I only started drinking when I wanted to...only about 6 months ago and also I only drink what I like to drink and I know my limits. I don't drink far too much - I'm sensible and know what's good and bad for me. However, I do like to let go every so often and provides a great avenue of escape, new found confidence and honesty when among friends that normally wouldn't dare to say things like "What's it like having anal sex?"

I am not depressed - I feel sorry for myself but I have far too much going for myself. A great bunch of friends, who mean a lot to me...and I know that I mean a lot to them to - else we wouldn't be spending so much time together. I value them dearly and wouldn't do anything to EVER take them for granted. Admitedly - one of my old school/college friends whom I went to university with...when I told him I was leaving - his face dropped and said "Don't go" in a really sorry voice. I realised for the first time that he does enjoy my company and who I am. And of course, because of this I see him a lot because he's only in Coventry and only a 15 minute bike ride when he stays at 'home' home.

I think, a moment was realised tonight also when I had been in from work for an hour - was sitting down and relaxing and two of my mates turned up on my doorstep. They had just walked for 40 minutes and said "Fancy a drink?" - I was overjoyed that someone had thought about the idea and taken the time and effort to walk and get me. So we went to the pub (again!) but there was not much to drink this time as it was late...and then it was back to my house for about a 2 hour chat about useless information. I loved it.

Incidentally - we are planning to set up home in London and rent a place for the 3 of us, as we're such a bunch of weirdos that no-one else would get us yet we work so well together. You wouldn't think of brining us together as close friends, but we really are.

Most likely, there will be another trip to the pub soon. By that I mean tomorrow. But I'm not drinking for the sake of it, or because I'm depressed. I'm doing what I want and am enjoying what I want.

Sadly, last night one of the many side effects of alcohol got to me, as well as one of the main issues in my life - I'm lonely but I'm surrounded by wonderful people that more often than not make up for that lack of a "special someone."

So thankyou, your posts and PMs meant an incredible amount...but I'd just like to finish by saying...The bitch is back.
Good Lord!
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Maybe I should try a thread like this some time then, it seems to work quite nicely.
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Yes, but then you must leave and follow it up with a highly successful radio station and an internet café radio roadshow. You know you want to.

Just like you *KNOW* you want to post your picture DAS - my morale would be very high if you did!
Good Lord!
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The internet café roadshow is in the stages of planning. And what is it with people wanting my picture all of a sudden? I'm not even a remotely interesting character here. My picture would ruin the legend of ZelDAS.

See what I did there?
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Well I don't care about any legend or whatnot. Show us your mush, mush.
Good Lord!
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