Losing your voice


I got a bit of a sore throat yesterday and have been losing my voice gradually today, to the point that I can now barely manage a croak. How do I get it back quick? Is this something that everyone has experienced at one time or another?
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Gavin Scott
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Has your voice broken already buddy, or is it happening now?

Mine broke during the school concert,whilst I sang,

"Mary, his mother with joy, looked at her boy
She was so proud of her Son, his life begun
He was so perfect that he
Had come to set all men free
La la la something ta dee dum"

I forget the last line. Probably because my voice snapped in the midst of it.
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Well theres a difference to losing your voice and your voice breaking, I lost my voice a few years ago, it's not too bad, all I remember was having a low voice and a sore throat, it recovers pretty quickly. Though sometimes if you have been talking too much, as it happens at work, it starts to strain your voice and you get that feeling, though rest it, drink water and it doesn't happen usually.

Though for me it was quite embarrasing when my voice broke as took 2-3 days to fully break, so all I had was a croaky voice and a voice that was constanly jumping from being high to be being deep, it felt better when it eventually broke and became deep permanently.
Larry Scutta
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IF your voice has gone (or a bit croaky) I can reccommend 'VocalZones' from the chemist.

They're little black rubber-like chewy tablets that taste foul but do wonders for the throat and voice
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Gavin Scott
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Unless you use your voice for a living I wouldn't recommend you use any sort of remedy. None of them are particularly good for you. They are all about masking symptoms and numbing parts of the throat.

Take some rest, eat lots of fresh food, and let the bug take it's course.

And yes, of course there is a difference between losing one's voice, and one's voice breaking through puberty. Far be it from me to observe such a thing, but there are more than a few members on the board who would fall into the category of the latter; and it can come as quite a surprise - beleive it, or not.
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Well I am past that stage Mr Scott identifies, and I can truthfully say I don't recall my voice breaking. Before any witty forum clowns say it, yes, my voice HAS broken, but I don't remember the event. I'm kind of glad that happened seemingly without me noticing! and without any humiliating experiences in assembly or anything. I also managed to completely avoid the acne stage. Perhaps I'm still 10 and I don't realise it?
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Gavin Scott
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Well *we* could be the judge of that, except you took your avatar away, didn't you?

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I did.

The main reason being that it didn't really work when I was being bossy or patronising somebody, and there's my smiley mugshot at the side. The effect was undermined by my photo.
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Gavin Scott
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You may say that.

I though it added gravitas to your utterances. Words so wise and cute as a bug's ear. What a paradox.

Shicht. There's that letch thing again. I thought I had that fixed.
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Well how do I reply to that?

I should conduct a psychological experiment with two conditions and see whether the condition with my photo is more offended by my remarks than those without the photo. But letchery could be a confounding variable...
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Gavin Scott
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It's a classic example of me after a few drinks. I say weird things and leave people floundered.

Here's another thing: there is no visible reminder in this "post a reply" screen to give me any idea what we were talking about. And I've completely forgotten.

Seriously. I'm going to have to click "submit" and see.

If this is about death or something then I'm really sorry. I'm clicking now.
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